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Officially a Baller


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  • Baller

I've been a lurker on BOS for some time. Today I can officially call myself a Baller as I finally ran the course (15 off/ 28 mph)!! I took up skiing 3.5 years ago (only skied a handful of times on 2 skis prior in my life) with the goal of completing a full pass within the first 5 years. The last two years I have started taking lessons over the summer (more so this year) and in the last two weeks everything started to come together. Unfortunately no video today but there was a lot of celebration by myself and my instructor.


Let the addiction begin!!

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  • Baller

Thanks all!


@wtrskior - I have been going to mcclintocks.


@gt2003 if you asked me three weeks ago when I thought I would complete a full pass, I would have said next year maybe, so stick with it! Something clicked in the last 2 weeks for my offside which has been a real struggle for me to get comfortable with. I was constantly on the back of the ski in the turn and bent through the pull.


The way it was explained to me was to think about getting my hips around the turn and up to handle and fight to keep that position through the wakes. Maybe it was the visual as it was being explained to me or the simplicity of only concentrating on that one thought while skiing. Either way, my offside turns and pulls became extremely more consistent over the past two weeks and culminated with completing the pass today. When asked how it felt after the pass, my response was "easy". Not a word I thought I'd ever use to describe running the course! Still lots of work to do on form though. It amazing me how slow yet how quick things can happen in this sport.


I also believe that skiing at 28 mph behind a CC200 has helped opposed to my older MC. There is no comparison between the wakes of the two boats at the speed.

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  • Baller
Thanks for the encouragement @Davis_LK , I am headed to the course again Saturday to give it another shot. I'm making gradual progress and realize making a full pass may take a little longer than I thought. That's OK with me. We've got a short ski vacation planned for later this summer which hopefully will include lessons from @TFIN if he is free then. The plan is to keep working until it happens! Again, congrats on your full pass. Nothing short of AWESOME!
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  • Baller

@Davis_LK thanks for posting. I re-read you off side hip slogan of "getting my hips around the turn and up to handle and fight to keep that position through the wakes" and it will be on my mind tomorrow as I keep working the same drill for my off-side.


BEST THING ABOUT THIS SPORT! We are basically all working on the SAME things at different speeds and line lengths!


Thanks for the additional thought for my practice session in the morning!

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  • Baller
Agreed, 100% addicting. I get the feeling a lot of us have addictive personalities anyway along with A.D.D. The desire for improvement, the satisfaction of making gains etc is why this sport is so good for us. Just my 2 cents worth.
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