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Big guy skiing.


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  • Baller
I have noticed that most ski manufacturers are not making (new) skies in the bigger sizes. I'm a big guy, 6'3 240-245lbs. I ski regularly into 32 off at 34mph and occasionally 35 off. With a PB of 4 at 35. I currently ski on a Sixxam and an considering a change and have found that big skies are somewhat hard to come by. Now manufacturers are saying a 68 is good at 34mph for anyone over 190lbs, I'm a long way from that. Are there just not that many big guys skiing? What is a big guy to do? I'm looking at the used market so I can stay married.
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  • Baller
There is a 2014 69.5" Radar Lithium Vapor for sale on Ski-It-Again (SIA29804) right now. It's in NC, and the price is $800 I think. I ski on a 69.5 Vapor myself - at 190 lbs, M8 speed 30mph - and it works well. It should work just fine for your weight at 34.
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  • Baller
I am about 230 lbs although not as tall as you and I am on a 68" Vapor. It has plenty of support and I skied it at 32 mph a little in the beginning of the season. I am about the same ability with a tournament PB of 4@35. At 240 and taller it might be a little small. I would like to have tried a 69.5" ski but I didn't want to buy two of them.
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  • Baller
@SkiItUp Best guy I have ever seen ski in your size range is Steve Raphael. (Mongo) He is not quite as tall as you. Could run 38off at 34 right up til he switched divisions and dropped down to 32mph last year. He skis on a Goode wide ride. I believe he just got a new one built a few months ago.
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Here are a few other choices from SIA.

68.5 Goode 9800-34081-$300

69 senate c-33943-$325

68 goode-9960-33233-$600 this is probably a 68.5

I have skied the 68.5 goodies at 220lbs and I think they would work for your weight.

These skis are short line capable.

Also tried a 67 senate c for a while.it was too small but the 69 should be ok.

Either of the first 2 skis won't cost much to try.


I ski with mongo and I agree with@mad11 that the wide ride is also a good choice.

You will need hard shells to make the wide ride work.

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  • Baller
Chef23 I tried both blue Vapors last year around 250 and the 68 turned better and didn't seem to sacrifice any angle/speed. At 230 I think the 68 would be the pick. The 68 is just hard on my shoulder coming out. The 69 Lithium Senate is easier to start and turns pretty darn good. I don't see anything that will stop me from running 35 on it other than dumb mistakes from lack of skiing. I have been 2 handing 6 at yellow and green after 4 sets (4-6 passes).
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I have ridden many of the plus size skiis over the year D3 cx, obrien Sixam, HO A1 syndicate. At 220 lbs, the 68 inchers were brutal to ski, especially in warm water. Tried them all. Try the Lithium Senate. It has lengths 69 and 71 but most beneficial for me is the considerable extra ski with trough the back boot area. This turns great, is plenty fast side to side, running to my limits into 35. Very forgiving, much less effort required great for the arthritis, tendinitis & aching back.
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  • Baller
I have skied lots of 68's at 230 lbs and all worked just fine. Fisher and Vapor (green) were particularly good. No issues getting up, sinking. 34, 28 to 38 (some 22 a while back). On a 68 2016 Vapor now, crazy good ski though I'm down to 220. Never felt either Vapor was too small, the green seemed a little big with a couple of settings. Wouldn't see a larger ski at 230 for a skier running -22 and shorter. If into 35 would definitely lean towards the Vapor, it's just getting going there, over the Senate which is then getting out of its designed range. At 240-245 a 69 may be better, Radar does make a Vapor that size, give Radar a call and they can tell you which one. 69 Vapor is a true high performance ski for the true big guy.
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  • Baller

I have a 69 Strada 55 Prototype, which is a full carbon Senate with a PVC core. White RS top with black and gold bottom for graphics, and a BOS decal. Would sell to a fellow Big Baller for $300. It is a little stiffer flex than a stock ski.


Basically, it is like a new Lithium Senate using the old Senate mold.

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  • Baller
I am a pretty big guy (a little heavier than you currently but working on that - and I am 6'-1", and I'm in my upper 40's) and ski on a 2015 Lithium Senate - but I'm not as good as you. Of course, Horton was running into some pretty deepline stuff on the Senate before the injury. There are videos somewhere. The Lithium Senate is a great ski that runs fast and has great acceleration (at least it does to me). I got the 71", but it sound like you think that would be too much? I figure that ski will work for me until / if I get down to below 220, maybe even to 210, going 32 / 34 MPH.
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I've got a little (as in younger), quite a bit bigger, brother that has the Sixxam. He's built like a tight-end.


I've encouraged him to look for something that would support his weight better because his ski seems to sink in the water much more than the rest of us. He often gets a lot of spray as he approaches the turn and his ski bounces pretty easy with any chop. I think he'd be open to switching, but its tough because I'm sure he wants to make sure the new one is still a good ski and that it'll make a difference.


Taking the size out of the equation, how does the senate compare to the Sixxam? Are they comparable in terms of the type of skier they are designed for(course skiing, free skiing etc)? I'm not real up to speed on the ski options because I haven't been in the market for a new one in a long time.

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  • Baller
The Senate is just a little wider throughout and I think the Sixam was wider wider up front but normal width in the tail, so the Senate tip would stay more level. It's been a while since I looked at a Sixam. The 69 Senate easily supports 255/265. If you are just cruising around the 71 would probably be easier to start but maybe not turn as quick.
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  • Baller
Just to add to my comments about the 71" Lithium Senate - I was skiing on an old 68" ski previously (It was/is a Kidder Redline - roughly 1992 vintage). I was drowning while trying to ski that 68" ski, but am amazed at the difference with the Radar. Easier to get up (double-boot), less sinking / drag, much more speed to and through the wakes. I feel that the turns are not quite as quick, but I'm still getting used to the way the ski operates. I found that if I concentrate on my form and keep my weight forward the ski is AMAZING. So fast, so quick, so stable and so much fun. I'm very glad that I got the 71" ski and glad that I got the Lithium. I wanted a Graphite - but my shop was out of the 2015's and I was offered a screaming deal on the last 71" 2015 Lithium Senate in the store. I bit the bullet, promised my wife a nice Christmas present, and spent the coin for the Lithium. And it was absolutely the right decision.
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