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Backwards Handle Grip?


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I am a LFF skier. When I was first learning to ski, I used a "non-professional" both palms down grip on the handle. When I was taught to ski the course, I was told to hold the handle like a left handed person would hold a baseball bat (with the left palm up and the right palm down). I have used this grip for 3 years and had gotten used to it, but recently, while watching a tournament, I noticed that I had it backwards! The RFF skiers held the handle like I do, and the LFF skiers had their left palm down and their right palm up. I tried this once while free-skiing, but it felt awkward. Should I try to relearn it the traditional way, or should I continue the same way (I am still skiing 15 off but want to develop good form and habits)? What are the pros and cons to traditional vs "backward" handle grip?
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Thanks for the link @ScottScott.


To everyone who helped:

As I mentioned earlier I went free skiing today (along with the hundreds of other party boats and this one huge annoying boat pulling a tuber down/up/in circles/all over the place in my previously quiet cove!) and changed my grip. Like most everyone who commented in that poll, changing the grip already made me feel improvement. The main thing I noticed was that my onside was stronger actually (but my offside felt a little better, too). My arm muscles are unused to that position so I will have to strengthen them...

Thank you

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