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Some good video or articles for a fairly new slalom skier?? (my 16 year old :-) )


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  • Baller

My 16 year old has been deciding he likes slalom skiing better than wakeboarding. He has been slalom skiing a few times over the last season or two. Especially now that we have a nicer boat, he wants to get into it. He is trying to copy me, and currently is on my too large ski (Nomad) for him. He previously skied on a '68 Connelly with a RTP that we had in the boat for guest skiers who just wanted to get up and ski around.


He gets up easily, and connects cuts back and forth across the wake. He is starting to release the handle as is what he sees me do. He naturally tends to insert some hip angulation, but has the traditional problems of pulling in on his arms, not being stacked, etc. I tried to give him some very basic beginning stack info (ski to hips, keep arms on vest) but stopped it at that. I don't want to overwhelm him with my understanding of technique or get too wordy, etc. Are there some good videos or articles available for someone learning to slalom and wanting to take it up a notch? I can show him @Than_Bogan 's article, but was interested in other stuff too, and hoping to keep it simple for him starting out. He is athletic (nordic ski athlete, XC runner, excellent downhill snow skier, etc.) and I am really, really happy he wants to learn and get out in the boat with me. His sister loves to come out too, but she still prefers the wakeboard. Fun to have some interest in slalom. Thanks in advance!

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  • Baller

@Mark_Matis Nah, I am on the other side of the country. Pretty close (3 hr drive up into the mountains) to where Nationals just were in Idaho.


One of my aims here is to get him some good visuals and technique understanding (without taking the fun out of it for him or getting TOO technical) at the beginning. Not really thinking he will end up trying to go to college for waterskiing, but will rather ski for fun (he does not love to compete at most things), but he does like to do well and apply himself.

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  • Baller

Get him some coaching before bad habits really set in and he spends 25 years trying to undo them! Doh! In person is best as you can feel what the different tips are doing and get instant feedback. Video yourself and analyze compared to the pros.


There are a few 15 off vids on youtube, Horton has some. Seth stisher has a few I believe as well. Watch those and compare vs shortline.


The biggest thing that will help progress outside of time on the water is understanding what is going on out there; the theory behind it, the science. Everything coaches say will make more sense once you understand why they're telling you xyz. Some are able to communicate that theory clearly and simply and relate it to what you specifically need to work on out there.


Have fun!



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  • Baller

Thanks guys. He is really just getting going, after first getting up on a slalom ski last year. He is not attempting the course yet. Just freeskiing at this point, generally at 22 off, but had him at 28 off today and last night, as I did not change the rope length for his turns. We do not have course access right now. Magic res. has a course, but the public ramp just dried out, (at least the ramp where you don't have to drive 10 miles of dirt road). I will see if we can get over to the second one of the Gilbert lake events. I wanted to go for myself too. The first one, we have folks in town. But maybe he can come with me to the second one.


I will be careful of giving him too many vids of short line. He really needs to learn how to hold a stack across both sides of the wake first. Some Rathbun drill vids, and some Terry Winter, and maybe a little Stisher, should be a good place to start. Also, I am tying up a handle on a post for me, and will show him what I am working on there wrt stack, and not being back on the ski.


From my point of view, if I can get him to stay tall and weighted well on the ski, and developing a good stack and lean, that is the place to start. I did not want to discourage him, as he was so proud he was trying to release the handle, but I think he could take a step back and learn some other stuff first before worrying too much about that. Or have thoughts changed about the learning process/progression?


Getting him some coaching from someone other than me would be good too. Someone else to give him a focus. I have coached him and his team on snow skis, but I am more qualified there than coaching on the water.


Here he is on the snow.









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