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Camaro Blacktec Tempurate Range


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  • Baller
@DaveD Hard to pee once the cold water has entered though. I have the full length suit and use dry suit ankle straps to thwart the cold water egress. @dchristman never thought about putting something over like you suggest. Might try that. As mentioned before by @OldboyII never though about having anything under the camaro either. This is why I love this site.
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I didn't have time to read all posts in this thread but I have the Camaro BlackTec Suit and I love it! I'll never go back to a dry suit EVER! I also have a Modetec top and that thing is amazing as well when a full suit isn't needed. I use the suit in 50 degree water and the top in AM sets during the summer when the water is chilly.


I broke my zipper on the suit and Camaro replaced the suit for free!! Other than that just watch out for anything that would puncture the suit or damage it. Putting a swimsuit over it is an insurance policy but not needed. Also make sure you hang dry the suit every time and never throw it in a bag or compartment. The wrinkles will tear the material.

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