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Buttoned up for winter. You?


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  • Baller

Pulled my buddy though the course last weekend and packed the Buoys away.

Blew some Tenerite up and shot a few hundred rounds with my new toy.

The tow boat is in the garage waiting to pull some crazy guys and gals the Saturday after Thanksgiving.


Life is good.

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  • Baller

After a beautiful day yesterday, I'm going to call it a season and winterize today. It got up to 70 yesterday which is just bizarre for MN in Nov, water temp is around 50. Hardly a boat on the lake, nav buoys are mostly gone so you need to be careful and the launch only has one short dock still in. Got out for my last ski runs and my wife and I had a nice lunch on the patio at Fletchers, can't really see this going another week as the long term forecast is calling for highs in the 40's next weekend. Been an excellent season.






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  • Baller

we had a really nice ski day this week in Ohio. Air 75, water 54. Got some funny looks from the fishermen - ha ha. Well i put the boat in storage yesterday - always a little misty when that happens.


had a great ski year overall thanks to my wife and some new found ski buddies !

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Had to call it a season. For New England, we had a helluva nice fall. I believe I ran the latest-on-the-calendar -35 of my life, on Nov. 2. (Did so using a variety of experimental tech, too, which is kinda cool.)


But now daylight savings hits, and combines with even colder, even windier, and fewer leaves to block said wind. So we pulled the courses on Saturday. Time for my month off and then back to the gym in December!

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  • Baller

Well, skied yesterday. Two 28s, two 32s, one 35. Felt great! Second 35 my left knee went "pop" as I was exiting the 4 ball. No unusual load, turn, or anything. Now, this knee has been on and off trouble for a few years, and according to a recent MRI (6 weeks ago) has every manor of issue including full thickness cartilage loss, multiple meniscus tears, and arthritis in both the quad and patellar tendons. In fact, I had it shot with cortisone last Thursday. That being said, it felt like yesterday the medial meniscus tore pretty big.


Saw a doctor who stated that I might not have torn anything, but this may just be what I am going to live with -- i.e., the knee is kinda shot and sometimes it's going to hurt. I'm going to consult with another doctor (a surgeon) tomorrow to get another opinion.


In any case, despite continuing warm weather here in the midwest, that pretty much wrapped up my ski season. Dang it.

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  • Baller

Glad I'm not the only skier in MN still skiing. Was out last night right at sundown. Boat had the temp at 51 in the water. It's definitely getting to the "extremely refreshing" point with a wetsuit. I will probably switch to a drysuit next week and ski until I have to dodge icecubes. I'm kinda crazy like that.


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