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Fin Whisperer

Chris Rossi

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  • Baller

I would like to congratulate @SkiJay his amazingly insightful and successful book. He has provided an invaluable resource tool that all skiers should own and utilize to better their skiing. If you haven't already done so, don't hesitate to buy the book.




Throughout this past season I have had the opportunity to work with @SkiJay through video correspondence and his analysis is spot on. If you are looking to take his book and knowledge to the next level, reach out to him for his services.




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  • Baller

I agree completely. Is it the Arrow or the Indian ? 90% Indian but you need a straight arrow to be on target ! Prior to the book i knew fin tuning played a roll but felt i would be guessing and opening "Pandora's Box". My year went as follows:

-bought and read the entire book

-measured my ski, fin very close to stock, Front boot too far forward @ 30 1/8,

- open skied 4-5 sets with Video at current settings

- moved Front boot to stock , 29 7/8

- Video of 3 sets of free skiing.

- independent (blinded) feedback of my skiing was " your offside turn is better and your offside stack/position is much better" BOOM.

- Continued video of most of my skiing and micro adjust boot setting when early season course skiing, 29 3/4 too far back.

- After 1 month of course skiing my biggest flaw was "going to the handle too quickly" on my offside ONLY. Reviewed the book looking for the right fix. My observation was that the tip was grabbing on the offside and I was going to the handle quickly to avoid ending up in the water.

- Followed Fin Whispering guide, reduced LE by X, FL by 2/3 of X, DFT by 1/3 of X.

- Next set ran straight up the line and backsided 4 ball at 32 off, too excited. My spotter was in the boat for the 1st time this year and stated " Man, is that ski turning on the offside !" BOOM.


I have obsessively read almost everything once, maybe twice on skiing technique over the last 4 years and have been patiently and methodically rebuilding my skiing. The Fin Whisper knowledge and adjustments have resulted in symmetrical body position (stack) on both sides, onside turn that feels like magic and a consistent and confident offside.


I won't regret the time spent learning more.


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  • Elite Skier

@Chris Rossi well agreed my friend. Personally, @SkiJay 's work is helping me better dissect my perceptions on the water in the two categories of "Techni-que" and "Techni-cal". As I started reading, I thought I'd be bound to the slippery slope path that leads to ski-blaming. Yet, it has made increased the awareness of my technique and what I can do on the technical side to maximize it.


(Hope you are doing great bud)

Ski coach at Jolly Ski, Organizer of the San Gervasio Pro Am (2023 Promo and others), Co-Organizer of the Jolly Clinics.

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  • Baller

WOW!! Like @Ralph Lee said, "Nice endorsement" @Chris Rossi"!


I've been watching Chris help Ballers all summer long with their setup questions, and thought how humble and cool it was. Reading his kind words above elevates him in my mind to a whole new level of selfless generosity. Thank you, Chris!


And a big thanks to @2tracmind and @Luzz too. I never once thought of writing a water ski setup book as a get rich quick scheme. The book was instead, motivated by the heartwarming experience of witnessing other skiers have aha moments when their ski suddenly stopped fighting them. Reading feedback like yours is deeply rewarding, so thank you for sharing.

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@SkiJay I have always struggled in this area when I have students who need more help than just my instruction. I am always calling "my fin guy" for his recommendations whenever I can tell that someone needs an adjustment. I'm really excited to read it, and thanks a lot for taking the time to write it!
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  • Gold Member

@Luzz Ski Blaming! Love it. Does anyone offer a doctorate program in that particular discipline?


Hi Kevin!


I've written my thanks directly to @SkiJay several times already, but I might as well join the public chorus. What a fantastic resource!

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  • Baller
I was afraid too, that I'd fall into ski fixes too often, and less skier fixing. That has been in no way the case. I now know what is ski behavior and what is skier behavior. I've been able to set my ski up to perform as it should so I can work on skier performance. I'd buy the book again. Invaluable resource. Thank you for your hard work @SkiJay
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  • Baller
In addition to ski setup, Jay is also a very good ski coach. In the same manner that he made sense of all of the seeming contradictions with ski setup, he can do the same with coaching. My own experience with get coaching from different but indisputably great skiers and coaches is that there are a ton of contradictions in the advice given. Maybe Jay will write another book on skiing technique or, better yet, a video.
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