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UW Stouts Boat sunk


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Hi everyone,


I am president of the UW Stout Waterski Team and in the first week of November our 1998 Malibu response hit a log while going 25mph (thankfully not pulling a skier) and ripped of the drivetrain and sunk in 9ft of water while being pulled back to the launch. We are dealing with insurance and the boat is claimed as totaled. If anyone would like to help out some fellow skiers and donate to the team to help get a new boat it would be much appreciated and anything counts. We will be doing lots of fundraising to make sure we have a new boat to ski behind in spring.


Thanks for all the support




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Thank you so much guys! Sorry about that, I was unaware. When I signed into go fund me, it wanted updated/more info to the account. It should work again now! Yes our team owns our boat not the school, we also own our own jump, slalom course, and most equipment. The school helps by funding us for boat gas, some tournaments, and limited equipment. We do a lot of fundraising and it shows. With the help of you guys and everyone else who has donated, the insurance money from the boat, and more fundraising we will be able to buy a newer boat by spring. Thanks again we really appreciate!





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No the boat did not go completely under, the bow kept above water all night while the stern was sitting on the bottom of the lake, then we got it out the next day. When talking with the certified boat appraiser, I asked about how they are supposed to float. He said boats under 24ft do not have to have enough flotation to keep it above water but they should atleast keep part of the boat at the surface. In this case the enclosed bow did its job.... although at the rate it was sinking, we though the whole thing was going to the bottom
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  • Baller
@UWStoutSkier I sent a little bit of money your way and can confirm that the site works now. Maybe the monkey bars were too heavy and overwhelmed the flotation:) Seriously though, some people put lead in their wakebarge boats to make them even heavier so they can destroy the lake even more. What they don't realize is that the water bags become neutral when their boats are swamped, but the lead takes them to the bottom. Actually not a bad place for them (just kidding).
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Just wanted to share this with all of you: in spring I turned the back 5ft of the malibu into a bar. The malibu boat bar is NOT for sale. I have had amazing feed back on how cool of a bar this is and found an old 1980 Ski Nautique that was sitting in a field the last 7 years all stripped out. I am going to make two more bars out of it to sell. Take a look at the pictures how the malibu boat bar turned out! Also two pictures of a wedding reception it was used in!


Details on the bar, for those who want to know. Used 4x4's for the legs, and it is on leveling casters that have rubber pads that go down. Used red oak for the bar top with a warm teak stain. Has a double tap system that can be hooked up to a kegarator or two barrels for an event. Has a mini fridge that can hold 62 12 oz cans. Has a sink, a speed rail for liquor bottles, blue led lighting under the bar top and and hull of the boat. And of course wired up for 120v 20amp outlets with USB's to charge phones.






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