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Hi all, new to the forum. Been reading a few articles and finally decided to join to get some direct advice.


I am currently skiing an early 2000's O'Brien Siege 68' with Targa boot - I think at the time the only better O'Brien skis were the World Team and Mapple, the Sixam hadn't been released. I am probably much heavier than I was when I first bought it, I am now an athletic 6"1, 114kg (251lbs). I am an open water skier, never tried course skiing, though I ski quite aggressively at around 36-40mph with a standard length rope. I have read that 40mph is probably too fast, but it seems quite comfortable for me, maybe because my ski has too much drag?? From what I have read, the 68 could be too small...


I am looking to see if a new ski is a good idea or not. I do struggle getting out of the deep now, and have have recently switched to getting out with the rear foot dragging, rather than in the RTP. Though I much prefer beach starts where possible! Over the weekend I tried an O'Brien World Team Comp 70' which seemed much easier to get up on, though felt like I was skiing on ice once I was up.


I have been looking at the Radar Senate Alloy 71' which In Australia, the 2017 model is AU$1250. Therefore looking at buying from the US and therefore considering the 2016 or 2017 model.


Does anybody have any thoughts on whether this would be the appropriate ski for me or not? If it is, would I realistically see much improvement on the 2017 over 2016?

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The Senate is a nice ski and will definitely be a decent improvement over the O'Brien Siege.

I can't say whether the 2017 is much of at improvement over the 2016. It really depends on the deal you can get.

Give Darren Wiley a call at www.wileyski.com +1 (206) 762-1300

If you call first thing in the morning (AEST), you should be able to catch him during office hours in Seattle.

He has always been brilliant to deal with and his shipping to Australia is much better priced than I've found with anyone else. I've probably had 4 or 5 skis sent to me in Australia from Wileys over the years.

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Thanks for the advice Ryno, I will try and give him a buzz tomorrow. So far I was looking at the 2016 Senate 71' from wakehouse.com at US$549 + US$92 to Australia. Seems to be the cheapest I can see so far. They've also been very helpful over email.
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Only thing I have to offer is the 71" may be too big... It may work well for you at 30-32 mph, but once you get to 34-36, I think a 69" will be plenty as the senate is a little wider than most skis. On a second note, the only senate recommended for 36mph is the lithium build. I can't speak from experience, but I think my graphite version would handle 36 just fine although 34 is as fast as I've ridden it.

For what it's worth on the sizing, I'm 205 lbs and the 67" holds me up great as slow as 30mph. I've ridden it a lot at 32 and started making passes at 34 before the cold set in.

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  • Baller

i had a 68" World Team at 225 lbs and it was way to small for me at freeskiing speeds. Dude you really need to slow down and get an larger ski. I have a 69" and 71" radar P6 and they ski much better than the Obrien. The 69" i have likes 30-32 mph and the 71 is fine around 28.


I have a few friends around my weight - one skies a 67" Outlaw at 30-32 MPH. (these are really wide) The other skis a 69" Senate around 32-34 mph.

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  • Baller
From our early sales and demos...thew 2017 Senates are pretty amazing. I had a guy yesterday buy a base Alloy Senate over another highend hybrid ski from a test ride. Also showing a Graphite Senate in 69" in stock in 2016, $499.99 blank.
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Thanks for all the advice, it's definitely giving me ideas on the size and type of ski. Problem now is that you get so much differing advice. 69 keeps getting recommened even though Radar sizing suggests the 71. What would be the downside to going a 71 over a 69? I just don't want to go too small, especially if buying from the US.


Perfski, I will PM you.

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Just to provide an update, I ended up getting a 2016 71" HO TX ski and couldn't be happier! I spoke to someone local who said that anything over AUD$1000 attracts a 10% customs fee and you will most likely cop a fine as well. Unsure if it was true or not, but I didn't want to find out.


After I made sure I had the boot real tight, it was easy to get up on. 1st few attempts I kept falling to the right getting up. Once I was up I was able to do twice the distance as usual on the ski and I probably still could have kept going. Amazing how much of a difference the right size ski will make.


Thanks very much to everyone for their assistance.

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