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sinking buoy lines


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  • Baller
I will be using a portable course as a semi-permanent course this summer. When I drop the course to the bottom I want to buoy lines to sink to the bottom too. We have lots of fisherman and I think they will get snagged if they float up from the bottom. Most of the poly rope I have found floats. Any suggestions on what to use for buoy lines that will hold up to being in the water but won't float on its own?
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  • Baller
If the water is 7-10' your buoy line risers should not need to be so long that they are in danger of being caught by a boat. Say they are 3' long that keeps your course down 3' when in use and when sunk the top of a floating should be at least 4' down based on your water depth, or did I miss something?
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  • Baller

I guess I was thinking a line sitting on the bottom had less chance of being snagged by a fishing line than one floating up. I don't fish so I have no idea.


My plan was to make the buoy lines about 6' long. Long enough to pull the course off the bottom and therefore keep the buoy lines tight but far from harms way of the boaters whose only goal seems to be to destroy the course.

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