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"International" divisions


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  • Baller_

Occasionally, you'll see an "International Men" or "International Women" division at a tournament. Typically it's purpose is to allow the skiers that prefer a particular boat to ski behind that boat if a different boat is pulling the division they are otherwise skiing in, typically Open.


I see that there are a number of "International" events at Nationals this coming summer. I've skied a lot of Nationals and can't say I recall any International divisions at any previous Nationals.


I recall a disgruntled Baller that was a foreign national and lived at SMRR, and he was bummed he couldn't ski at the tournament hosted at his own lake. Is this addressing that situation? Or am I missing something here?


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  • Baller
Typically skiers will choose to ski International Men or Women as the AWSA age catorgories do not always align with IWWF, so to be able to ski, and be scored on the International Ranking list that is what we have to do.
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  • Baller_
Got that part, but since when has Nationals had an International division? Isn't that a bit odd? International at Nationals? If I win, I'm the National International Men's Champion? So I'm back to asking are we accomadating someone here? I'm not opposed to it necessarily, just curious.


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  • Baller

When we were putting together the bid the subject came up about offering an international division. We put it in the bid. Bid was accepted. This division is for score only no awards. The skier would also have to ski in a regional. At SMRR we have multiple skiers and property owners from outside the US. I am not speaking on any official authority but just the intention of offering the division.


Jeff Lindsey








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