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Winter / How rusty do you get ?

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller
So I was wondering, just how rusty most people get through the winter months, typically how many sets before you start to really feel that you are back in the groove, just had my third set felt a lot better than the first two, water still cold, a lot of wind about, still seems a long way off what I was doing at the end of season last year
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  • Baller
Seems like I almost completely forget how to ski every winter and then take at least a month trying to get back to where I was in the fall. There must me something wrong with me because I also observe some jr skier friends (who have now passed me up), who pick up their first set of the year at the same level they finished in the fall. Not fair!!
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  • Baller

I don't ski much Dec-March. If I hit the crossfit regularly in the off season I feel ok on my first set out. After 2-3 rides I am not even sore. After a few weeks back I feel good about my skiing but it takes me 2-3 months before I am can consistantly hit last seasons scores.


If I am a couch potatoe in the off season it takes so much longer to get back into skiing. Sore for the first month and 3-4 months before I am getting back to good scores.

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  • Baller

Hmmm. I am a long line skier with slow progress.

It takes me plus 4 months 60 sets to get back to previous season level.

Could it be my snow skiing that is bad for my water skiing?

It is not lack of coaching. I run type 25% sets with coaching.....


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  • Baller
Hard to say, it's a matter of air/water temperature just as much as skiing fitness, taking my first set tomorrow after after a 6 month layoff. 40/50 deg water/air, expectations are low.
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  • Baller

I generally get back in a month or less depending on what kind of shape I am in at the start of the season.


I think how rusty you get is impacted by how long you have been skiing. I started running the course when I was young and even though I took close to 20 years off it comes back pretty quick.

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