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Which ski do you prefer to stand on?


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I actually used to Reflex zen for past 3 years. However, I am using Radar pro model this year, and NOT sure how Radar's feel like because I felt really great when I used Reflex. I am feeling now so tricky and Radar ski is too light for me. Please recommend a great ski for me.


My personal record: 1@38off 36mph.

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  • Baller
Given your level of skiing I would say it would be best to demo some skis. If you are not in the US I realize that can be difficult. I can't comment on Radar vs. Reflex. I am not sure many of the folks on BOS have skied on Reflex slaloms.
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  • Baller

It took me a while to get my 2016 Lithium Vapor setup correctly. I'd say try some different settings. I ended up very forward with the front boot. I had help from @brooks and @Chris Rossi plus all the advise here. I ended up close to Horton's settings. Trent F. is using a short deep fine setting that a lot of people are liking.


I was having problems with consistence on my off-side but going forward with the boots really helped. I spread my boots our more that I had in the past skis as well.

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