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  • Baller
Hey ballers who is skiing the D3 ARC-the yellow one.Any comments on how this ski compares to other D3 skis would be appreciated.I would like to buy a 66 anyone who has one or knows someone who wants to sell one please contact me.........Thanks Ron
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  • Baller
I have had just a couple rides on mine. Loved it! I was coming off a Nomad. Felt quicker to the wakes, and that it wanted to help me carry more cross course direction and speed. And the finish of the turn felt smoother and that it set me up for that acceleration better than my Nomad. At least, that is how it felt to me. Disclosure, I am not that good. But that is the comparison I would give based on what I experienced. I used stock settings on a 67. I read Horton's review again after my initial ride and writing down my initial impressions, and his review seemed to agree with what I felt.
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  • Baller
I bought my yellow before the blue hype started. My favorite D3 of many, including the X5, a couple of Fusions, and the Helix H2. Didn't raise my PB but it increased the consistency of all my passes dramatically.
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