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Losing Skis


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Some of the people we water ski with start on two skis and then drop to slalom ski - We have lost the dropped ski a couple of times - Is there a way to make the ski not turn over or make it more visible in the water? Thanks
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  • Baller

When barefooting I step off an old slalom with the front binding cut down and a back toe strap. The ski is an old HO Mach 1 that happens to be black. After a few lengthy searches I let the kids go at it with spray paint. Now it's is orange, yellow and white high-vis.

The spotters(s) also make a visual marker to the shore for where the ski was left behind. The spotters are 9, 6 and 4 years old and very reliable for marking and finding it.

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  • Baller
For a beater drop ski, doesn't have to be more complicated than rattle can day-glo from the hardware store I would think. And do the tip of the ski that may stick up too. I like the idea of a float on the top, and also having the spotters create a visual marker on shore in their mind. Then can play the wind for direction from there.
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  • Baller

You can put some weight back where the fin is. Dropped ski will float tip up and be quite visible.


Kobe made pairs that way to assist beginners learning on doubles. The skis floated tip up easily and made it easier for skiers to control the two skis when floating and starting.


I still have a pair and they really help people. The Jove weight was the shape of the plate on top of the fin and went under it.

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  • Baller
Years ago we had an old drop ski that would always flip upside down with a black bottom, not good. So I found an old skinny boat fender and screwed it to the front top of the ski. the buoyancy kept the ski from flipping.
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  • Baller

The weights on the back really work for beginners as doubles and to find skis.


Have been using them since the 80s. As have others who borrow them. With tip up they have never been lost.


Biggest problem is they get borrowed by people around the lake that borrow them for beginners. In fact they were loaned out at the end of the 2016 season and there loaned out again now. They get around and they get found.



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