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Best prop for 97 SNOB with 5.7 Pro-ski at elevation


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  • Baller

Hi Folks,

The topic of props on the 196 hull seems well discussed, however, my particular situation is a little bit special, so I'm wondering if that changes anybody's opinion, or if, miraculously, anybody has dealt with all these same variables. Here we go.


First of all, by boat is the open bow, so the engine is moved back etc. Second, I don't have the GT-40, I have the far less popular 5.7 Pro-ski. Third, I am at elevation, most typically about 4,500 feet.


The boat had the 422 on it when I purchased it and I have left well enough alone, however, my wife dinged it on some rocks this last weekend (fortunately the boat was going 0 mph and was just in idle) so I'm going to end up taking it in to a local prop shop for work/replacement.


If I don't hear any strong opinions or experiences, I'll probably just stick with the 422. Nevertheless, if you have reason to believe there would be a better option for my circumstance, I would love to hear it.





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  • Baller

It is my understanding that prop evaluations have to include some other vital information in addition to what you provided:

1) What is your WOT RPM with old prop? (and top speed)

2) What is most important to you with boat performance? (e.g. soft slalom wake at skiing speeds, speed out of the hole due to short setup, etc.)

3) Also may be useful to know RPMs at skiing speeds of old prop.


Seems like at 4500 elevation you would likely be better off with a lower pitch prop than the standard prop for that boat.

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  • Baller

@MS Yes it definitely took some shots. Are you saying it is likely to be too beat up to repair? Am I going to have to replace it?


@TallSkinnyGuy good point, there are more variables here. Some of the answers, I don't know though, and now with the prop mangled, it might be hard to find. Although, I did calibrate my baselines in perfect pass a couple years ago so maybe I could check those out to see what RPM it is doing at various speeds.


My top speed with my old prop was only about 39 or maybe 40. I always thought that was pretty weak sauce - I couldn't hardly barefoot behind my boat if I wanted to, buuuuut...I don't really care to barefoot anyway, so top speed was definitely a place I was willing to make a concession for other performance variables. I don't know what the engine RPM was at those speeds.


Definitely my top priority is a soft slalom wake at 30-34 and would love it soft at 28 and 26 also if possible. I frankly don't care about 36 mph as I am 36 years old and will never ski that speed. Second priority is to also have a good holeshot as I have some short setup areas that I ski and my perfect pass takes a bit to settle in sometimes (I'm hoping to upgrade to 9 soon and hoping that will alleviate this problem.) What I guess I'm willing to sacrifice, as mentioned above, is overall top speed, as I don't plan to barefoot any time soon anymore. That's a young man's game.

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  • Baller
I don't know nautique props, but I would drop down 1/2" pitch - 12.5x15 If it were me. You could check your rpm baselines in perfect pass if you run rpm mode. If you want help call acme as they will know what prop for sure.
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  • Baller
If you don't care about top speed and you need good power out of the hole there is a good chance the prop manufacturers (OJ and Acme) will recommend going down 0.5" or even an inch in pitch. The problem with going down in pitch is that it is likely to increase your RPM at skiing speeds, too, which is more likely to firm up the wake than to soften it. They might also have other recommendations, but will most likely suggest trying two or three different props to figure out what works best for you. If that seems like too much of a hassle, then your probably pretty safe just going with the same prop you currently have minus 0.5" in pitch. That likely won't increase your RPMs too much at skiing speeds but should give you a little more out of the hole.
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