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Bad glove handle combo or just being a wimp?


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  • Baller
Nearly half of my slalom sets in the last fews weeks I have felt no power in my grip and forearms. I chalked it up to just skiing too much and not giving my self enough time to recover, but training 3 events there is not much time to waste. I recently got new miami ski nautique gloves (which I always use) and a new masterline handle at the same time. Normally new gloves and new handle give me a feeling of great grip but I noticed my gloves are black as an ace of spades from the new handle, which I think normally happens but it seems excessive this time. Yesterday I went back to old gloves, had great strength, and thought problem was solved, today same combo, gloves are turning black, and no strength at all. Yesterday I took a hard slalom and jump set and did some manual labor and woke up pretty sore but I still feel I should have enough power to hang on to the handle with a decent lean. I literally feel if I lean any harder (especially off side) the handle will come right out of my hand. So could I have a glove/handle combo causing lack of forearm strength or is my body telling me to back off?
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  • Baller

It' possible you are a little tired, so you are over gripping the handle, so you are a little more tired, so you are over gripping he handle, and so on. You could try some light massage for the forearms and then maybe give your pulling position and where you are holding the handle (in your palms or in your finger) a quick double check just in case.


A few days of rest wouldn't be the worst thing either but I know in the Midwest there are only so many ski days in the year and if the water says ski to hell with what the body wants, you're going skiing!

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  • Baller

This may sound crazy, but when I used the Miami Nautique gloves I found them super slippery in some lakes, but fine in others.


On another note. When Radar first started making handles years ago I loved 'em. Used a couple but when I ordered a new one I couldn't hang onto it. Made some call and found the compound had changed. I'm sure that's not the case with Masterline, but odd things happen.

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  • Baller
sometimes when I ski too much I start falling off the top of the ski (leaning too hard) because that's easier than balancing correctly. Then my grip and back and shoulders give in. While it sounds like you are training a lot, I'd try to lean less, stay on top of the ski more, and see if that helps.
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  • Baller

sounds like from what you described the handle rubber is rubbing off into the glove's fabric. This would make the grip more slippery forcing you (perhaps sub-consciously) to grip tighter. Gripping too tightly would lead to fatigue symptoms experienced.


2nd the notion on using new/different handle. Brush the gloves clean to get the grip stickier.

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