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Need advice on what to work on next.


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Just some background on me as a skier. I first started waterskiing 3 years ago or so and ran my first ever pass in a course last August 2016. At this point I can run 15' off at 32-33 mph pretty consistently and have recently started running 22' off and even did my first 28' off at 32.3mph this week. I would like to improve and eventually get up to 36mph as that is what I would need to run at for my age (24) if I were to do a tournament.


What recommendations do you guys have on working up to this? Should I focus solely on running faster passes or should I mix in running some shorter line lengths as well? Will running a shorter line length at a slower speed then make a faster pass at longer line length feel easier? Thoughts and opinions please!

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  • Baller
The shorter lines are fun but I'd try to get to a place where you are spending most of your set at 34 and 36. Sure open at 32/15, then up to 34/15, then you can play with 22 and 28 or bump to 36. It sounds like you have the balance to start working speeds so I would strongly recommend starting to work speeds. I am also 24 and can tell you that 36 is about as fun as it gets, the boat does all the work for you and going fast is a great rush.
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  • Baller
@Just1MorePass First of all, congrats on such a fast progression! I highly recommend starting to go up in speed and not worry about the rope lengths for a while. There are a few things that change with increases in speeds, including rhythm, timing for the gate, and overall timing of movements. My advice is to start doing a couple of passes at 32mph and then do a handful of 34s. Once 34mph will feel right, chances are that 32mph will start to feel slow and "draggy". At that point, time to work on 36mph :wink:

Ski coach at Jolly Ski, Organizer of the San Gervasio Pro Am (2023 Promo and others), Co-Organizer of the Jolly Clinics.

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Thanks for he input. I will try to focus on running the faster passes when I ski later tonight. I still have yet to run a 34mph pass. I have gotten to 5 ball half a dozen times and always seem to screw it up then. I can run a 33mph pass like it's cake but something about 34 really messes with me. I always feel like I am going into the balls too fast and have to scramble to turn them.
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  • Baller
Common issue, more than a few of us have noted that they seemed to forget two or three speeds in between 32 and 34 and again between 34 and 36. A lot of things change at those speeds, what you can get away with is the biggest. Post some video but I'm going to wager a guess that you could pull out for your gate wider and that you could edge change earlier when you get to 34.
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I will work on that Friday and this weekend. I definitely know the wider gate helps a lot. I have times where I can get a great gate and have plenty of time to turn 1 ball which usually leads to a much easier and smoother run. I think at 34mph I pull harder than I need too (I mentally think the pass is a lot faster than it is and overcompensate) which is what results in me coming into some of my turns too fast. I'm RFF and I usually crank 4 ball really hard if I feel like I'm behind which results in me being too fast to turn 5 ball.


I will also try to get some video this weekend and post it.

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  • Baller

One thing that will help you is getting your hips up coming into you offside turn on the 1,3,5 side. Bruce Butterfield has an article on here somewhere about handle control. He says imagine there is a cable tied to the handle and your belly button, when your handle goes out your hips come forward with it. You're skiing pretty well there but you come into the offside bent at the waist which results in you never getting proper body alignment in the pull.


Idea is to come into the turn with hips forward in proper body position then as you exit the turn you ski your hips into the handle. Your body in the right position, handle in the right place, then just go.


You could stand to get wider on the gates as well.

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