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Huricaine Harvey


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  • Baller
Feeling bad for everyone East of us. We were really lucky at Aquaplex. All good! @TFIN and I about to start raising buoys for the tournament this weekend. Wind supposed to start dropping on Thursday and be nice.
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  • Baller
Sallee, the kids, and I have been stuck in Dallas unable to get home. The Harris County metering station behind my house has registered 31 inches of rain since Friday. Some areas on the south and east side of Houston are showing 48+ inches of rain. Hopefully by Friday we'll be able to get back in to survey the damage. Luckily, my company has us put up in a 2 bedroom suite next to my office in Plano so I can at least work. Not as cool as in Hurricane Ike when @MAD11 and the Aquaplex crew let me stay in their clubhouse for a week, though. :)
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  • Baller

@BoneHead that was a cool week. Especially since back then you were still dating crazy chicks that helped create great stories for us when this website was small and just us bullshitting each day. Not sure we can mention most of that stuff anymore without risking a thumbs down event.

@RazorRoss3 Trent and I just got the course back up. Was perfect and just needed to raise all the buoys. That's a first so we were really lucky. Glad to give you a pull on Friday and take some help. Your welcome to hang out as much as you like. Look forward to seeing everyone.

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  • Baller
LSF (2 ft of water in my boathouse) and LOK seem to be ok right now but not out of the woods yet. Well wishes and prayers for ST, LACH, TM and the other ski lakes in the Houston area, don't know how they're doing.
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  • Baller

At LakePort (Deegan Lake) we were at an all-time high with water 3in above our docks. That was Sunday when the overflow was overwhelmed! We have since receded a bit, water just a tad below the dock surface, as the overflow catches up.


Folks, I'm pretty sure most of you have no earthly idea how much rain has fallen these last 5 days and 1 more day forecast. The television news does it little justice (reminds me of cameras from the boat for shortline slalom--not much perspective). The inner city, downtown area is completely devastated, water over 3 story apartments and businesses. Freeways with 18ft clearance are under water. Transportation is all but impossible for anyone, especially trucks which supply the world. The 4th largest city in America has been all but stopped.


Towns purposely built outside the Houston area flood plain decades ago (such as Magnolia,Tomball, Kingwood, The Woodlands) are flooding for the first time, ever. Forty plus inches of rain is a prodigious amount in a year, much less in a week. Hour after hour after hour of pouring rain is hard to imagine. And the rising waters have just begun. The peak flooding is estimated to be another 10 to 14 days as the rivers and tributaries continue to overflow and all this water makes its way toward the Gulf.


We need prayers for the folks who are now homeless and if you can, contribute a little something to United Way or Red Cross or some other capable charity. It will be many months, maybe years, before any resemblance of normalcy. We thank you for anything you might do.

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