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Wally course


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  • Baller

Kudos to the guys in our ski club, who worked all Labor Day weekend, and all last weekend to upgrade our old Accu-sink course to a new Wally course.


Its worth the money.


Plug in the compressor, wait 10 minutes and voila! Instant Slalom course nirvana.


No more pulling that damn mainline the full length of the course, entrapped in weeds, tearing up hands, lower backs.......


We even saw fit to install the mini course where I suspect I'll be spending most of my time. :)

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  • Baller

Wally has two main features. Separating the ballast from the bouyancy allows the course to settle evenly,wanting if one arm is in 30 feet and another in 10 they all surface about the same time since the weight bags stop sinking when they hit dirt.


Then the flexible bladder for floatation. The wally compressor is a diaphram and can be run as vacuum which will suck water back out of the bladders till the bags are empty. Instead of having to locate the float that filled with water and won't float to purge it.



Otherwise just a solid course


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  • Baller

the only real problem with our Accusink was that it laid on the lake bottom and when raising, we were fighting the weeds that were devouring it. We'd use one boat to pull the mainline and another to attach the boat guides, turn buoy's at each section.


It just got old year after year, weekend after weekend, fighting everything.


We have the fill line about mid-course. So far, raise time about 10 min, and sink time about 30 min.


And the big advantage, we can ski more consistently mid-week like hopefully tonight! :)

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I have been using my Accusink setup for 12 years. Lake depth runs from 6' to 12' along the course. Muddy and weeds also. Our supply line run is 300' using a 1/2" ID. Pancake style compressed fills in 10 minutes Silt tends to fill the PVC over the years, condensation builds up in the air lines during the summer months, and inner tubes need sporadic replacement. All said, it's the best money I have ever spent on ski stuff. I am moving my air supply to another dock which requires 700' of hose. Will let you know if this presents problems. My ski partner has moved to a nearby lake and will use the wally sinker setup.
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  • Baller

@JAG then I'm confused why you don't just leave the balls on and sink them.... or was that just with the accusink?



We were sinking the balls and everything - particularly with a bit of water in the turn balls - but then when you can see the bottom in 30 feet of water it leaves you really prone to vandals.

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  • Baller
@JAG Did you have an Accu-sink submersible course before or an Accu-float portable course. Accu-sink was the submersible version using plastic eggs filled with sand and containing a bladder. Was precursor to Wally sinker. Sorry, still confused why you would pull mainline and buoys on a submersible system.
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