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D3 NRG Review has started


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I have two rides on the NRG. The second was last night. I ran three 32s and three 35s. On the last 35 the ski and I were beginning to sync. I think I am going to be pretty happy about riding this ski until it gets cold.
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Back on topic. NRG review is coming along slowly. It is October and inconveniently I'm also in the process of selling a house and moving. Early impressions are really good.
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I just took ride # 10 and ran 5 @ 38.


I think I have the settings right and am ready to just ride the ski and figure out what the the review will say.


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  • Baller

I rode a lot of different skis this summer. The NRG was at the top of the list. I would have ridden it more and bought one if I had not injured myself. My friend liked it so much he bought the one we demoed.

Another ski buddy has not been able to find a ski he liked for years. He rode the NRG and immediately loved it. He has been running 38 almost every set since the purchase. He likes the ski with a deeper fin than most people are running on it.

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  • Baller
My story sounds very similar to @Dirt’s buddy. Have ridden a lot of skis in recent years, looking for “the one”. I finally found it with the NRG. I’ve been on a 67” since the first of August. Ran more 38s in the first week on the ski than I had on everything else all season. This is the first time in years that I’ve not had extra skis in the garage. I sold everything else shortly after getting on the NRG. I’ve been running these numbers for a while and have stuck with them. 6.895, 2.507, .745, and 30 1/8.
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@jimbrake Sorry for delayed response. I too am in the middle of moving. Yes, the ARC was the ski I was on prior to the NRG. Once I got the NRG dialed in, the difference was the cross-course speed and space at the ball. It seems easy to create space at the buoy. Also, when I eventually landed on the short and deep settings, I can get as much angle out of the turn as my body can handle and I never blow out the tail. I liked the ARC, but I love the NRG!
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@kc - Nice! thanks. Hmmm. Maybe in the meantime I'll try some short and deep on my ARC. I've been running long and shallow forever but started creeping deeper in the last couple of weeks and liking it. Nothing to lose at this point in the season.


Getting a new knee this spring so will probably hold off on new ski for '18, but maybe a mid-season demo will be in order. Seeing a lot of good skiers and skiing on the NRG lately.

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@Jordan yea that is true but I really hesitate to post any pass that it the ragged. I sure do not want a video like that to cast the ski in a bad light. I guess it does show how incredibly well the NRG is when you are in trouble.
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@Gloersen Actually I am still searching setting a bit to make the On Side as good as it can be. The Off Side of this ski is always good but I think I can find settings to make On Side more comfortable.


Look carefully at the 35s and you can find some pretty clear flaws in my approach to On Side. Sometime it is the skiers fault : )

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  • Baller
We just did an evaluation of the NRG v 2018 Vapor and in the end it was an easy decision for the skier in question to choose the NRG and then run a 6 buoy PB into -39 at the L class tournament on the weekend. "The NRG just feels like its on rails by comparison" so it looks D3 have produced another great ski.
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Want to clean up that 38 ? start at 32 with both hands 0n the handle longer into your 1,3,5 side. You get away with the getting deep effect on the off side at the longer lengths but as you shorten the rope the effect of reaching too early on the off side makes your pick up off the ball with less speed and deeper in the water.

The ski looks to work well with you, I see 39's in your future!

Rumor has it the ski does not mind a heavy back foot.



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  • Baller

The NRG is without a doubt something different. It turns like crazy and has incredible engagement ball to wake. Big rocker, big concave. It has a really reliable onside turn which I feel is rare in skis these days. When I got this ski we had a cold snap here in Chicago. Water was cold (mid-60s) and every day we skied it was in wind. I made 28s on this ski in some of the craziest conditions ever– huge crosswinds, cold water, etc. We're talking conditions where getting through the end gates I was in a complete state of disbelief.


As the weather got warmer and the water flattened and returned to mid-70s I found it hard to be "quiet" enough on this ski for it to be happy/stable. Kinda like I was on a see-saw through the course. I could make passes on it but my lack of technique had me way forward or way back often. I felt like a rag doll along for the ride. Ski still got to the other end of the course but it was a hell of a ride. Didn't get a chance to play with the fin before we shut down for the season, this was all on stock settings.


Anyway, definitely something different. Kudos to D3 for getting this ski out to the market, it's a neat one. Really eager to hear your impressions, Horton. You certainly seem quiet enough on the ski to take advantage of it.

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