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RECALL NOTICE: Kidde Brand Fire Extinguishers


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40 Million Kidde brand fire extinguishers are affected. All of my Kidde Extinguishers were on the recall list and are being replaced. Boat, Garage, and Kitchen. You need to submit claims for each based on the category (plastic handle, push button, and Marine push button)


Recall story


So now what? Find all of your Kidde brand extinguishers and check model numbers at the below links by category (plastic handle, push button, and Marine Push Button). The confirmation I received stated they are sending the replacement unit in 15-20 days.




To save you time and effort, here is the direct verification link for USA and Canada:





You will need to provide:


1. Your name and shipping details (no proof of purchase needed)


2. Model Number (on side of extinguisher)


3. Serial Number (also on side of extinguisher)



NOTES: Don't throw away the recalled unit as follow on instructions will be with the your new one. The replacements are supposedly using metal triggers and valves, so they are a substantial upgrade from the recalled unit.



Fingers crossed you don't have one on the recall list, but if you do hopefully this helps speed up getting a replacement. Good luck.

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@Wish Just updated my original post to fix the links and update with more information thats come in! Looks like B.O.S. did some weird formatting on it.




1. Kidde is supposedly sending instructions in the box with the new extinguisher on what to do with the old unit, so don't throw it out.


2. Good news is that the replacements are supposedly coming with all metal hardware.

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