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Pro Skier / Wake Question ?

Stevie Boy

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So we all know there is a lot of speculation about a certain new boat, from what I have heard, one of there goals is to to have miminal wakes, there thinking is that this would enable the Pro Skier, to push the World Record beyond the limits of other boat manufacturers.

My Question

Would miminal wakes be a good thing or is there a element of timing or reaction from the ski that comes from the wakes as they exist today.


Or does the timing or reaction from the ski, come from the Boat / Line ?

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@Stevie Boy I have heard pro guys talking about a hole at 39 & 41 behind some boats. If it is bump or a hole it is a disturbance. I'm pretty sure less disturbance would always be better. On the other hand I don't think the shape of the wake is a major issue behind the current 3 big boats. I don't think anybody ever said "oh I turned two ball at 43 and the wake kicked my ass so I couldn't get to three".


As far as timing, I don't think the wake is even a visual for most skiers who run past 35 off. It would be weird to ski without any wake but I bet it would just take a couple of rides.

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@Stevie Boy as many rumors as I've heard I have no idea what Nautique is really doing. I would be super shocked if one of their primary design goals was to specifically change the wake shape for Nate.


The boat parameters that make the biggest difference to Elite skiers is how it drives / tracks and how the ZO works with the engine to apply the perfect power response.

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  • Baller
But, the marketing value of having a "world record towboat" is considerable. The thing with creating minimal wakes is the trade off with tracking and driveability, which contribute to giving a world-class pull. A super-flat wake without a solid pull isn't going to generate world records.
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@Nando the current big three boats all track and drive extremely well and have very small wakes. They're not super nimble around the lake but they're easy to drive straight and give a good pull for a short line skier.


If you want a boat that drives like a go-kart you have to go to the Centurion. A skilled driver can also give a fantastic ride with that boat but it does requires more driving skill.


So I disagree with you that it's a trade-off between wakes and tracking / drivability.

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@Horton, the point I was trying to make was what you said in your second post on this topic. Yes, they all are pretty fantastic now but IF a hull designer compromised the tracking and driving for a flat wake, it would be counter-productive.
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@shansen345 it is pretty fun. A buddy has a '87 MC and it seems SO tiny now to be in it or drive it.

As for wakes of the new boats I agree with @horton no one tripping over those wakes today at shortline...though for market-abililty overall the long line wakes can be important. Very few complained about the shortline MC 197 wakes back in the day...and it was a versatile boat in many ways...but many kids and parents and longer line skiers sure complained.

My guess is Nautique will not do something that gives up it's tracking advantage...we can all say this or that about each of the big 3 but there's general agreement that the Nautique 200 is the best tracking and easiest to drive.

I've always felt there is no compromise excellence from Nautique and I expect a great product. Glad there is a "big 3" and that they do try to put their best out there against one another in our tiny sport.

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The hole that MC had at 38, 39 was on the last 2 models that I noticed. It was after the 2nd wake, and it felt as though is kicked you up as you entered a critical part of edge change. It's gone in the new hull.

For those that still ski with the older versions of MC, Wade gave me a great tip; as you cross the 2nd wake get "light with the ankles" and let the ski come up with the knees for just a split second. As I always had Nautiques, this insight really worked for me.

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@shansen345 there is a guy in our club that has a mid-80s Prostar and the few times a year he skis and needs a driver I always ask to drive with the hope he falls so I can spin that thing like a top. You don't even need to keep the power on. Just turn the wheel and you instantly hit a 180. So much fun.
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