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Boat Trader Fraud


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There is a person using Boat Trader to purchase boats and get them sent to the UK , his name is Paul Tankard, he makes it sound like he is a true buyer. My first clue he was going to send a check to me including the freight to Scotland and that I was to send him a check back for the freight amount ( clue one) Scam , my reply was check could be sent after his check completely cleared my bank, discussion got slower after that. I asked for export forms to send it to Scotland , they never came , I have exported two boats to Australia in the past, there was a ton of forms to fill out, non came from this guy. A check finally came in, called the design company in SF, the Accounts payable person said they have reported it to the authorities and no action taken. Boat Trader does not have a system to block these e mails. Sellers Beware!!!!!
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