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Lady skier looking to advance


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Hello Ballers - I’ve been skiing for about 10 years (and am thoroughly addicted) and all the male skiers in my family course ski later in the year (when the river water is good enough to drop the portable course in), and I miss out on a lot of skiing due to a lower skill level. (I get to do a lot of dock learning lol) I’be been skiing on a Connelly SP 64” (I’m 5’ approx 105-110lb, skiing around 29-30 mph) and I’ve never been really comfortable on it - it feels washy for lack of a better term. Any tips/advise or a thread anyone can point me towards to help me going into this season?
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Firstly, you should have the same right to ski in the course as anybody else, whether you are shadowing buoys or running the "mini course" (move the boat over a little and you go around the boat guide on one side and the skier buoy on the other) or whatever you are doing at your level!!


Secondly, buy a Lyric. Everyone seems to love those!

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  • Baller

I,m with @Ipskier get yourself some me time and go get some coaching from people who know how to progress you and not people that think they know how to progress you, I know that they mean well, but sometimes they do not think about what they are saying.

I wish I had good coaching from the beginning, I would be a whole lot better than I am now.

There is no price you can put on individual time with a good coach, it does not have to be with a Pro, just somebody who understands your issues and connects with you, with a reassuring manner.


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I guess I should say, I could ski the course I just feel bad taking time away from their course time since it is so limited because of the water conditions not cooperating.


I had seen the lyric recommendations and don’t know that much to know how big of a difference it would make for me. I’ll look into the lyric more.

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My daughter learned to ski on exactly the same model and did never feel very comfortable, I bought her an HO TX and she improved a lot and felt very confident but she is yet to try the course. Maybe a Senate or an Omni would be a great choice for you if you r main interest is learning the course.

There are people of many different levels and most of them enjoy teaching others in our sport, do not let their ability intimidate you! If they do not want to help you might need to find another group...



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That's great that you are skiing, and are interested to be inside the course.

My wife used to just "ski" as well. She would let the guys run the course. Than she tried it and it's game on time. She gets "equal" passes as anybody else.

She started course set up as noted by @Than_Bogan , and now she is fully capable of full passes on her own, gates and multiple passes.

It's an individual sport, so start course training and you will continue to improve.



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  • Baller
@jkill_88 all the people I have skied with are very supportive to increase the ability of others. You do however need to have time behind a boat that you do not feel is taking away from others. If this is the case then your chances of making significant improvement is very limited because of the situation. A very good skier once told me that for everyone of us skiers when we are skiing our hardest level it is as demanding for each of us. At each of our own levels we fight the same challenges and we need dedicated time and help to overcome them. Your time in the course is as important to you as the time more skilled people spend in the course is to them. Ability level should not dictate course time. It sounds from your post that you need some "informed" help with either a different ski pick or help setting up the one you have. If you are firstly not comfortable on the stick you have it is just one more distraction to progress. If you can swing it a trip to somewhere else were someone who makes a living coaching others will be that would be a good step. Some even do video coaching and that is another option. Anyway welcome to the addiction, keep skiing and kick some ass in the course.
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  • Baller

After working with so many college kids, gender is irrelevant. It's all about who has the drive.


Go buy the ski off the feet of the girl (or guy) your size that just put up a great score. Take the first (and last) set. Ski the crappy conditions. Ski whenever you can. Get coaching. Get good!


Passion is all that matters. Enjoy the learning curve. Be proud and satisfied with your progress.


All this is advice that has worked with guys and girls. See you at Nationals soon.




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Thanks everyone! It sounds like I just need to start with throwing my ski in the rotation no matter what to get the work in like they do and not feel bad about it.


My brother in law texted me and said ‘thanks for throwing them under the bus’ (jokingly) then started providing me tips and encouragement and links to some other threads on here. So that’s encouraging!

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  • Baller
My biggest piece of advice is to free ski as often as you can to work on technique. I don't get to course ski as much as I'd like but I ski almost daily in the summer and multiple times on weekends when not on the course. I'm thrilled at my progress in the past few years since starting on the course but wish I had read more threads on BoS to help start out. Another thing that really helped me start getting more comfortable was to slow down to 32mph. I felt too rushed at 36 and even 34 to really learn the course, but at slower speeds I was able to really understand how to get into the proper body position and start making improvements running the course. Every time I start to have trouble with something I use the search bar on the forum page of BoS and look for a thread to help. There are many great teachers on this website that will help out. I would recommend getting a new ski if you're not comfortable on yours. Then record a video of yourself skiing and post it, that's the best way for everyone here to see your current skill level and you'll get helpful tips for sure! Most of all remember to have fun!
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  • Baller
@jkill_88 So exciting to hear about a new skier hooked, female or male! Like the other posters, I too encourage you to take your turns in the course. Even as a new course skier, it can be so much fun. Practice splashing the buoys, or run the mini course (it is a blast), or take passes without gates and start at 1-ball. You already received lots of great advice on skis. I wanted to second the advice on taking some lessons. A lesson could help refine your body position so the ski doesn't feel washy. You got some a lot of suggestions here for some excellent places in Florida. An additional suggestion would be Coble Ski School in Lillington, NC. April (Coble Ski School) also has 2 Women's weeks in Sept and they are a blast! She gets women skiers of all ages and levels attending, from those learning to ski on 2 skis, to those skiing the course.
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@jkill_88 at our lake you would have no problem getting sets in. We love beginners in the course/ kids/tubers/paddle boarders/ mostly fun. I get a kick out of the early excitement and passion for beginning skiers. Sometimes I wish I could learn it all over again. Soooooo fun! There is a problem with your lake if you can’t ski your arms off. No matter your skill level.
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  • Baller
Hey @jkill_88 ! We love that you currently ride a Connelly and would love to help you get on the next level Connelly to accelerate your skills :) Our suggestion is to look for a closeout ski or a used model for a little bit more advanced ski so you don't pay full price but still got on a new ride that suits your interests. We suggest going with the Carbon V http://www.connellyskis.com/carbon-v.html or the V http://www.connellyskis.com/v.html . Think you would really like and excel on either of those!
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So... I bought a 2017 63” Lyric with lyric binding and rtp set-up. (Too good of a deal to pass up. Hate it when that happens) Can someone point me in the right direction on how to set her up? I’m finding plenty of info for the senate and men’s skis, but not sure what to follow for the 63
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  • Baller
Chances are with the same brand boot, especially a boot with same name, the center hole on the boot should be stock. That lyric may not have any adjustment on the fin, possibly a fixed fin with 3 holes....If so, I would start with the middle hole. I would take the wing off.
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  • Baller
With the 2017 lyric I would definitely start at the center Marks on the bindings . We moved @Shell 's boots forward on the 2015 Lyric one spot but when we picked up her 2017 we found the inserts were moved and center position was the same as the 1-up position on the 2015. Good Luck enjoy the ski!
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