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Using O'Brien Performers 68 for slalom


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I'm a beginner combo skier and want to try free water slalom. My weight is 220 lbs. Do I need to buy a special slalom ski something like HO Freeride 69" or can I use my current combo ski for this? If so what speed should I try for deep water starts? I currently get up on 2 skis at 20 mph. Thank you
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I semi-learned on the O'Brien Performers. It's very easy to get up on, and I'm 200ish lbs (used to be 220 though when i was first using them). I used it again the other day and had a good ride.


Sorry to hijack your thread, but i was younger when i was learning and never really had access to a proper slalom, started on some old kidder behind my uncles old outboard, then as a teen we had the Performer Combos behind dads Supra Comp, however i was 16 and wakeboarding was pretty "cool" so we mostly did that.


I just got back into it, and i'm loving riding so much and have been looking for a new ski. Will intermediate skis really ski much better? Is it me flattening at the wake or is it the ski, no matter how tall and strong and hips forward i cross, i cant seem to get a good crossing quite like the guys on youtube vids, especially not through the second wake, i Just suck it up with my legs. 195lb, 29 years old. skiing 10-15 off at 30mph (28-32). Just freeskiing, linking turns, putting up walls and just trying to be fast. Would love to try a course.



Anyways, my question is about whether a dedicated slalom is really that much better? How do you feel about the HO Freeride vs a more traditional shape like Connelly Concept, Obrien Siege, Obrien World Team, or HO Omni, Triumph, etc?


Sorry for the noob questions. I'd like to push my friends into this sport, it's so fun.

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  • Baller

@dxs206 that size combo should get you up. A 69" Freeride would be easier but at 220 that ski should get you out of the water.


Unfortunately there is no set speed you can say to get you up. You will need more throttle to get you out of the water but it should be gradual not a slam down of the throttle. There is a lot of good stuff in this thread https://www.ballofspray.com/forum#/discussion/19928/this-saturday-its-do-or-quit-advice-please on getting out of the water.


@GZ22 A free ride will be much better than one of a combo both in the way it rides on the water and the binding that will hold you in much better. I have been riding a Radar Katana so far this year and that ski pops me right up out of the water (67" @ 200lbs) and it crosses the wake well and turns well at 30mph. Something like an Omni, Triumph of Senate would work well also. I don't know anything about the shape of the other skis you mentioned.

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@Chef23 These performers do have a decent binding, not a rail slider one, but yes I understand what you mean, it's definitely not a hardcore slalom boot. Any experience on the freeride? I like the idea of it but I'm not sure what my wake will be like at 24-26 mph, its fine at 28 and up...how speed sensitive is the freeride when doing 30-32? This scares me into looking a more traditional ski. I want to make sure i enjoy it, if i want a ski that doesn't cut through the wakes (because the wakes would be large at 24mph) I'd rather just keep the combo slalom.


Tha Katana looks very cool. Also very unique.


Thanks for the reply.

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  • Baller

@GZ22 I have skied the predecessor to the Freeride an HO Charger which is 69” into 28 off at 34 mph. It is a lot of ski at that speed but is doable. I have also skied it into 35 off at 30 mph. In general no Ski will be great at 28 mph and 34 mph you will need a different ski as you progress.


I am going to start running the course in the next week or so on the Kitana at 30 mph and 22 off. I may shorten the rope but I won’t speed up on it. I have a Goode Mid that I will shift to when I feel I am ready to increase speed again.

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@Chef23 There's actually a HO Charger in my local classifieds for $150 (Canadian). Would it be a good choice to have in the boat? Or spend extra and get something more modern? What do you think?
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  • Baller

@gz22 if it comes with bindings the HO Charger would be a decent ski to start with. Without bindings it might be a little expensive. It will be much better in the course than the combo ski and it can take you through 32 mph. It is heavy compared to the Katana I have.


I skied the Katana in the course this morning and it is a nice little ski. I ran 5 passes at 30 mph/22 off and never felt like I needed the ski to turn faster. If buying something newer I would definitely recommend it as a great starter ski in the course.

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@Chef23 well i just ordered a 67" Connelly Aspect for a good price ($500 Canadian w/binding, was sort of accidentally ordered on amazon, damn one click buying, I gotta turn that off). But I think it'll be a good ski based on what I've read. Any experience with it?


sorry to bother you so much Chef, you just seem knowledgeable haha



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@GZ22 do not get a Freeride if you have goals of skiing the course, or at speeds of above 26ish. The ski gets extremely skittish at those speeds (30+) and will not turn well for you. To me it feels like being on ice.


The ski is designed for having fun behind any boat in a wide variety of conditions. And for that it fits the bill really well. I have one and love boosting off the wake on days when it's choppy.


And to reference your desire to put up walls. The "clean edge" on the freeride releases the water at an angle that does not put up the most impressive wall.




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@Lobonator that's great to hear about the freeride. I almost got one, and if I wasn't behind a supra comp I would maybe consider one. But I figured a decent ski boat is designed to run at 28mph and above so I'd get a proper slalom setup.


It'll be mostly open water but I'd love to try a course. Maybe I'll set one up next summer.


Maybe next summer I'll look at a freeride just to have in the boat. Get ppl to try skiing. Everyone still just wants to wakeboard :(

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@GZ22 if that's the boat you're behind, I would go as far as to say. Get something a title more traditional for people who want to learn. I've found the transition to a proper slalom ski from the freeride to be a little tricky because the feel is THAT different. When doing back to back passes on the freeride and a radar strada, I literally felt as if I could not move to either side on the strada.


I personally think the freeride, is ideal for people who like to ski but have either an I/O or a bribe vdrive with less than ideal wakes for slalom, but still want to ski.


*** still think the freeride is awesome for its purpose those so definitely not bashing the ski!

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@lpskier sorry to bother you here again but I didn't think this deserved a full thread. My Connelly Aspect came in today and I'm excited to try it out. But mine didn't come with a foil/wing at all (not even the plastic one you referred to). Do you think it's necessary to have one? Or for a free skier at 15 off does it matter? Will it matter if I start running the course next summer?



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  • Baller_

@gz22 I wouldn’t worry about not having the wing. As noted, I ran -32 without a wing at 30 mph without a problem. The Aspect is a great ski and you’ll love it.


That said, you should have received a wing with your ski. Shoot Connelly an email letting them know they owe you a wing and ask them to send you an metal fin instead of the plastic one. Then you’ll need a wing angle gage to set it correctly. Maybe a friend or neighbor has one you can borrow and can show you how to use it. Set the wing at 8 degrees. Put the blade of the wing on the bottom of the fin, not close to the bottom of the ski.


At your level, you don’t need to buy your own gauges. If you can’t put your hands on a borrowed set, just ski without the wing. No wing is far better than a wing that is not set correctly. Then come down to LaPoint Ski Park in Orlando this winter and I’ll set it up for you (and make sure you have a lot of fun!)


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  • Baller
@GZ22 you will NEVER need a wing on that ski and @lpskier Connelly Aspect does not ship with the viper fin it ships with the drop through aluminum (no wing). Someone previously posted a speed of 24-25 mph for a beginning slalom free ski , we have NEVER towed anyone slower than 29 free skiing on one ski , my 122 lb g/f free skis at 31. Good luck to a fellow canuck and enjoy.
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  • Baller_
@Glydon Mine came with a fixed fin with a plastic wing. I skied it at 30 mph with no wing. I put a regular wing on for -35. After running -35, I went back to skiing 34 mph on a Prophecy. I used the Aspect while recovering from a stem cell transplant and had no strength. I really enjoyed the ski.


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I'd love to start running the course (we don't have very many in this area, I may have to set one up next summer, or come down to Florida @lpskier ), but even then it sounds like I won't need a wing for quite some time. Thanks so much for the input guys.


the 24-25 mph was referring to an absolute beginner on a wide 68" O'brien Performer slalom combo ski and/or a HO Freeride. I don't see why that speed isn't fine for a first time slalom skier that isn't even cutting turns yet.

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@GZ22 unless the skier is a lightweight on a wide body ski , I suspect they will barely stay on plane at that speed. My gf's son is 13 and just dropping his combo ski now and skis at 30 he weighs 75 pounds and skis on juniors , there was no disrespect meant by it , I just find that any thing below 30 is simply to slow on a non wide body ski , it's physics .


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