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Important Practice Announcement For GOODE Water Ski Nationals


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  • Baller

Congratulations to qualified participants for the 76th GOODE Water Ski National Championships, to be held Aug. 7-11, 2018 at Mystic Lakes in Maize, Kansas. This year, the local organizing club will be hosting its sign-up for practice online as each participant registers for the tournament. It will be utilizing a Google Sheet that will serve as the official practice schedule and will be updated live by the Official Practice Coordinator.


The LOC asks that you please be patient with the practice coordinators and volunteers as this is a first time offering for online practice sign-ups. It is offering the online sign-up in an effort to offer a more organized fashion for running official practice.


The following are stipulations of the online practice module:


-Sign-ups are offered to participants after they have already registered and paid for the 2018 GOODE Water Ski National Championships.

-A link to the Google Sheet will be emailed to each skier after they complete registration.

-Skiers will receive 4 passes in slalom, 2 passes in tricks, and 3 jumps and are limited to one practice pull.

-Skiers shall pay $35/set to the online PayPal account 2018waterskipractice@gmail.com in order to be added to the practice sign-up.

-The official scheduled practice day on all three lakes is Monday, Aug. 6.

-Due to limited space and time on the lakes, practice will be offered only when events have been completed on each lake and on the scheduled practice day.

-Each boat will have one assigned driver and one assigned rope handler. One pin person will be allowed during tricks only.

-Every fifth time slot will be offered to an official.

-Skiers will be limited to one practice ride; the practice coordinator reserves the right to give priority to skiers competing in the next day’s events, volunteer officials, and LOC volunteers.

-All allotments will be designated live and spots will be filled as they are requested (per email time-stamp).


Please email 2018waterskipractice@gmail.com to sign-up for your practice slot after you have completed your registration with the following information:



-Event and Lake (Lake 1 (Jump), Lake 2 (Slalom), Lake 3 (Slalom/Trick))

-Time Slot Requested

-Ramp Height if Jumping or Trick Boat Preference if Tricking

-Email address and Phone Number

-Payment to Paypal account: 2018waterskipractice@gmail.com must be completed before you will be entered on the practice schedule ($35/set).

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  • Baller
I have run practice at a couple of regionals and it is a thankless job. Please be patient and appreciative of the people that run practice at Nationals they are doing their best to keep it organized and get as many people on the water as possible.
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