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New HO Animal boots


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The new overlays are more elastic so they are comfortable and they release better. Interesting note is that the overlay on the front is twice as thick as the overlay for the back boot. Most high end skiers that have experimented with boot stiffness will tell you a softer back boot is better.


Also revised is the boot bed. It is a firm brushed EVA. Looks comfy.

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  • Baller
@BraceMaker my buddy skis with a set of animals from the late 90s early 2000s before they had the laces. I think he has probably changed skis half a dozen times since then but refuses to get rid of the boots. The front wrap is starting to tear and we were just talking last weekend of trying to find him some replacements.
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  • Baller
i bought a rear and couldn't get past three passes before I had to take the ski off I was in so much pain. loosen the wraps as much as they could go, and it didn't help. it's not that it's too small I even went with a size bigger. it's just super uncomfortable and painful. back to my old D3 leverage
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