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New practice PB! (well, sort of)


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Ok, this is a little cheesy, but in the entire ZO era I've only run -38 one time, and that was at super-easy John's Pond. On all other sites, my best behind a ZO boat is 5, which I hadn't done in several years.


Last night I tied that! And it was an out-of-box run with no misses to that point.


But the reason I'm considering this particular night better than any of my earlier 5's years ago, is what I did at -39. (I often practice -39 when I'm getting at least midway through -38, as I find it helps my gate a lot.) As far as I know, I had never been legitimately outside the 2 ball, although a few times I swung it out there where maybe a generous judge might have given me 0.25. So even though it was my second try and I hadn't actually run -38 first, I was pretty darn pleased to get 1.5. If I hadn't kind of panicked about the new territory I was in, perhaps I would have been somewhere near to 3!?


Two key conclusions:

1) The c-65 with CG Fin really is pretty amazing. My physical condition and overall focus on performance are not near where they were 5+ years ago, so there can be no doubt some of this "PB" was due to equipment.

2) Pole vaulting in the winter and spending less time in the gym was at least "no worse than" other recent off-seasons in setting up waterski success. That's kinda cool, since I'm planning for that to be my regular routine now!


Fingers crossed to soon be reporting a full fledged no-caveats lifetime PB. But until then, I'm enjoying this one!

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