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Is this the Drysuit world record?


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@bishop8950 That is the new optimized rope he is using in the video. Nate loves the new rope and was very involved in picking the final version. I would say that he would also agree with you that it is partly the rope. Matt Rini was a big help in the development along with Drew Ross, but in the end the final say came down to Nate and Regina because they were doing the most testing and experimenting and were very vocal that this was the most "optimized" version for all around performance.
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  • Baller

A drysuit isn’t going to keep you from skiing well...

Not having the latest and greatest boat, ski or gear will keep you from skiing well..

Lack of proper form, technique, physical training, time on the water and in the gym, coaching, poor mental preparation, lack of consistency...


WILL keep you from skiing well...


I have a good boat, I have gear capable of running deep 30’s, I have my own practice coarse...

It’s not the gear, it’s ME...but I know that (because I suck at coarse skiing) and that’s what I’m working on...


Probably 85-90% of the skiers here are in the same boat...


If you’re a 35 off skier or better the ancillary gear becomes more of a factor...


For the rest of us it’s on the guy/gal hanging on the rope...just a reality check

Flame away....





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