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In search of the perfect RTP..


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  • Baller
I prefer the basic RTP as I like getting up with the back foot out, and the ability to step off the platform with my back foot. I place my back foot in the rtp after I get up. I use the Radar RTP and have had the best feel with it. I keep two of them and this spring I’m putting my spare on another HO ski that I’m trying. My problem is, I don’t seem to be able to buy two identical items that are the same. I’ve made multiple adjustments to this rtp and I can’t duplicate the entry of my rear foot to replicate same in my other Radar RTP. The elastic stretch is tighter and the laces don’t allow for enough loosening to push the foot as far forward as my other rtp. I wish the consistency of mfg of ski items were better. I just ran in to the same thing with an Intuittion LIner. I bought a new size 12 and it’s smaller than my 10/11. Go figure.
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  • Baller

Another modification I just tried on my HRT. Having difficulty getting the tightness just right. Part being the distribution of the strings across the 4 loops. I restrung just using the top 2 loops and I think I like it a lot better. I may try using just middle 2 loops at some point. I don't have the boa version, may be difficult to do with the boa.


Do most put foot in, then tighten? I like using more of an RTP approach, finding a tightness that works and leaving, then slipping in and out. Its tight enough I need to pull on the rear of the ski so I can wiggle my foot in after I jump in water. I leave in between passes, tho after getting my foot in and it getting wet it loosens some, so I don't think I would have any trouble taking out and putting back in....

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  • Baller
@ScottScott I made a similar change to my HRT, but used a bungee lace. Once I had the tightness that I wanted I left it set that way and just take my foot in and out.

Mike's Overall Binding

USA Water Ski  Senior Judge   Senior Driver   Senior Tech Controller


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  • Baller
I have a 2018 r style rear and an Aqua Intuition liner for sale if anyone is interested. Just couldn't get comfortable on it. Size 10/11 liner and size 10.5 on the Reflex. Never heat molded the liner and maybe 3-4 sets total on it. Haven't put it on SIA yet.
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  • Baller
I’ve been double boot my whole life and after a scare with a ankle sprain last summer I went to Reflex front Radar HRTP rear. Was hoping to be able to kick in for dock starts, but can’t that well and to leave it loose and tighten the boa was a lot of work.
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  • Baller

Apart from getting in or out, from what I am looking at here, most of you Guy,s might as well go Double Boot, OK some of them might allow for some heel lift, but I am very aware that my rear Heel rotates in the RTP during the turn, this seems to be much kinder on my dodgy knee and allows my hips to rotate more.

Agreed the variations of what is shown, may help you release, but Double Boot or Hybrid or RTP, awkward falls may still result in injury.

I know people who run a loose Wiley on the back, but then are you better off with a snug binding or loose, for me nothing worse than half in and half out, after a fall, my experience is that a snug binding always releases in a hard fall.

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