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  • Baller





If I understand correctly:

One can now get credit for all 5 surface tricks. No limitation on number of spinns.



  • Baller

It's cool that you can do more surface turns!


I haven't read the exact rule but the scoring program at the latest tournament gave credit for O, R and BB, R. I don't think you can score 5F, B, R5F. The multiple turn surface turns don't have reverses (I think). But I think you can do 5F and 5B in the same run (not necessarily together?).


Anyone have the scoring program to run some sequences for us?

O, R, B, BB, R, 5F, 5B, 7B

O, R, SS, B, BB, R, WF, WB, 5F, B, F, R, R, 5B, F, 7F (making sure there aren't reverse issues)

O, R, B, BB, R, 5F, B, R5F



  • Baller

@JeffSurdej Can you post the text of the rules for us. There is confusion and I have been unable to find the exact wording. Thanks.



  • Baller

@gsm_peter For 5s or 9s, there must be a 180 degree turn between them. For some silly reason, that is limited to B, F, WB, WF. No 5s between.


So this sequence is not OK:

5B, 5F, R5B

Must be:

5B, F, R5B, 5F


For all tricks that don't change direction 180, the reverse must immediately follow the initial trick.



  • Baller
@eleeski @JeffSurdej Eric, your description of the reverses is different from what Jeff posted above. Jeff says you can do 5b, 5f, r, r.
  • Baller

Regarding the new trick rule.

Those 5s and 7s are all allowed.

The reverse tricks can still only have a 180 degree positioning trick between the 5s.

So a 540F needs to have the b and then the reverse 540F same for 540B needs a F before the reverse 540B.


B, 7B, R, 5F, Brpt, R5F, 5B, F, R5B, 7B, R7B, BB, RBB, Frpt, Brpt, R, R, Frpt, O, R on one ski! Second pass two skis!!!!


  • Baller

@disland 7F was a very rare trick. It had limited real value in a run. Now it has value and we will see it a lot more. That should help the judging.


With that said, spend your time working on wake tricks or toe tricks. The point payoff vs difficulty (both to learn and to execute) favors advanced tricks over more surface tricks. Plus they are way more fun and dynamic.


This is a good long awaited rule. But do not make surface turns the focus of your tricking.



  • Baller_
when I was spinning on a WB as a "trick" ski, I would always have to check that the judges got it right, and learned that turning in a "dream sheet" was the best way to head off problems
  • Baller
@RichardDoane one of our guys in the Northeast that tricks on a wakeboard also put a strap around his lead leg which made it easier to keep track of what was going on. I find it harder to call tricks on a wakeboard.
Is there anything in the rules that prevents a wake (spin) trick that doesn't get enough air from being counted as a surface spin trick?
  • Baller
@Gus AWSA rule 11.12E “A wake turn is a trick performed in mid-air while crossing the crest of the wake. A wake turn not executed in mid-air and across the crest of the wake scores zero.”
@klindy Thanks! It doesn't look completely foolproof the way it is formulated, but as long as all the judges understand that failed wake spins should not be counted as surface spins it'll be fine I guess. Or maybe add something like: "Surface turns that cross the crest of the wake are considered wake turns and will score zero." to be less ambiguous.

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