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U21 Worlds


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  • Baller

** Long post alert **


So much good stuff going on there; here's a small recap so far:


Thursday saw two(!!!!) U21 world records go down; Pato Font in trick and Jamiee Bull in slalom. Pato was so smooth that the commentators called it a 'conservative run just to ensure a spot in the finals' but clearly he is just so good he can make an 11510 point run look easy. Joel Poland bobbled a little at the end of his hand pass, but the flips were worth so many points he still set a UK record of 10630 to take 2nd. Bull was on fire, 38 looked easy and it even looked good through most of 39. In the end, she went down rounding 6 for 5.5, bumping up the U21 record by 2 buoys.


I missed the women's tricks on Friday, but Anna Gay put up a huge score of 10680 (which may also be a U21 record, I'm not sure. Either way, pretty epic.) The men's slalom was exciting; the top 3 all looked like they were totally capable of running 39. Joel Poland was entertaining again, with a cheeky hand-drag around 6 at 35off and then a scrappy-but-staying-in-it 39 until getting crushed out of 4 and hanging in there (by some sort of wizardry) to get a piece of 5 before having a massive out the front. Topped off with 2 fists in the air and a "WOOO!!" to let everyone know he was okay, the crowd was loving it.


All in all, good stuff so far!

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