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Denali C75 Review


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  • Baller
Thanks @RichardDoane I really do appreciate your input. Your binding placement was why I asked that question. I have to use some different screws to get my front boot that far back, but I got it there. Like you suggested, I’m only going one move at a time. The only other question I have is, the suggested settings are based on 1) stiff/high rear or 2) soft or rear toe. What is an R-Style considered?
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  • Baller
I have a very cut down version homemade R-style and generally run the same numbers as Adam Caldwell who has a toe loop. When I ran double hardshells, I could not ride the same numbers.
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  • Baller
Tried some way different settings that @AdamCord sent me. He happened to be in town and rode in the boat last night. Blasted out the best 35 I have ever run in my life. These guys know what they are talking about. Makes me think 38 is in the realm of possibility to run.
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  • Baller

I am confused on how to measure length. The google doc says “This is measured using the TIPS of the caliper pressed flat across the fin slot. We do not use “jaws” measurements.” I guess I don’t know how to use my calipers.


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  • Baller

@CReckard - Jaws, in this case goode's video using their slot caliper which has the jaws ground flat. 0zxmlhzrdv1y.png

Tips measurements - in this case D3 nfyf0clvdtts.png




They don't match as numbers. You cannot do jaws measurements with a regular caliper as there is a little notch at the heel of the jaws of most calipers so they don't "zero" on a ground surface.

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  • Baller
@RichardDoane It was test day yesterday for me. So I came across your numbers you posted on July 27th. Thank you! Big difference in the performance of the ski. Smoother, wider, faster with easy balance turns. I didn't think it was possible, the C-75 is just amazing. Thanks.

Ernie Schlager

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  • Baller_
@BraceMaker post on measurement techniques highlights a most annoying aspect of fin setting, the inconsistency on methodology for using calipers. It is silly in 2020 there is not a consistent method used to measure and report L and DFT using any accurate caliper.
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  • Baller
So I've been trying different fin and boot settings, thanks for posting them guy's. But can't seem to match the front boot position that a lot of you post. I'm on a large C-75 ski at 32mph and I am wondering if I'm miss out on something. When I bought the ski I was asked some questions about speed, ability and what boots I was using. I was supplied with a set-up sheet of setting Zones. Here's the problem a lot of guy's are recommending 28.25" for the front boot. The shortest I can get with my insert hole pattern and my D-3 leverage front boot is 29"?? So am I missing out on something?? 3/4" is a huge difference to make up.

Ernie Schlager

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  • Baller
OK thanks, looks like I need to buy a new ski. Just kidding. All the settings I've been trying seem to work great for me so far. My boot preference has always been forward from stock numbers but will have to modify a old boot just to see.

Ernie Schlager

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  • Baller_

Would the C75 be good for a beginner course skier as well, or is it really only once you get into shorter lines? I know there already seems to be a split among skiers as to whether "top tier" skis also work best/just-as-well for beginners VS if beginners should use less aggressive skis. But I'm wondering if the wild uniqueness of the C75 influences those opinions in either direction.


I'm not gonna buy a new ski right now (budget), but will likely be looking for a "new" used ski within the next couple years, and I love the vibe of Denali and this ski. I'm currently only at 30mph, 15off; but between last year when I started late and this year due to injury, I've really only had 4 months ever in the course (coming from skiing my whole life but literally only one week a year while on vacations). In a couple years I'm confident I can at least be running 34mph at 22off, hopefully more. I'm currently on a 2016 Radar Vapor Lithium, but that's entirely because I got a great deal from my uncle on it, not because I chose it specifically.

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  • Baller

@SlalomSteve ... The C75 is so easy to ski you would have no problems with it. Where some high end skis are very critical to fin settings, with the C75 there are no BAD fin settings, some are just better than others depending on your weight, speed, and ability. Hope you get to try one in the future.



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  • Baller
@RichardDoane Still rocken your fin numbers you posted 6.975 2.425 1.090 8 degree's. But front boot placement of 28.25" no bueno. I understand that we all have own way of skinning the cat when it comes to skiing. I was very surprised at how great the ski worked at my boot setting of 29.25", so I decided to do some testing. After modifying my front boot to get to your setting of 28.25" and testing the waters. I was surprised by the fact that to me the ski felt like it was on ice, loosey-goosey, not stable. At 29.125" a little better, but wanted to hunt edge to edge. At 29.135" it was skiable. Even tried 29.50 but to much tip pressure. Settled on 29.25" and loving it. C-75 large RFF ski, 195 lbs, 32.3 mph A3 Zero Off. FYI for you guy's boot placement is a big part of the puzzle for setups, don't be afraid of big number swings, the C-75 can take it.

Ernie Schlager

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  • Baller
I know that many skiers have had an amazing experience on the C75, but after three trips to the lake and 3 different fin settings, I can't get the 2021 C75 to work for me. I'm on a Large Standard Flex. Offside is really nice and consistent, but I've lost my onside and the standard flex just doesn't feel right to me. I'm not a good skier (I usually make 95% of my 22-off passes and 50%-75% of my 28-off passes) but since switching to the C75 I have struggled to make any of my 22-off passes. There is a nearly brand new C75 on ski-it-again at a great price if anyone is looking for a good deal.
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  • Baller

@Anderson I don't like to hear that. I am pretty much exactly where you are at skill wise. My 22' passes are very consistent right now and I'm working on my 28' passes hoping the Denali ski would make it easier. I ordered a Large Standard Flex RFF... should be here tomorrow but dang I should've waited just a tad longer for yours!


What exactly didn't you like on it? Do you have any video or specific feedback?

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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan I'm actually 7 sets and 3 settings deep. I have to admit that on the last 6 skis I've transitioned to in the past 12 years or so, they just worked within the first half-dozen sets and with a couple of settings adjustments. This ski feels way off for me.

@BlueSki @Skoot1123 Adam Cord was kind enough to give me some alternative settings and I've given them a try. @Ed_Johnson also gave me something to try (will give it a go on Friday). Here are the settings I tried (First three so far, will ski EJ's on Friday)

28.50 2.53 6.740 0.920 8.00

28 1/2 2.500 6.800 0.900 7.0

28 1/2 2.430 6.970 0.920 7.0

28 1/4 2.425 6.975 1.090 5.0

@owennibley I'll PM you

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  • Baller
@Anderson without seeing video it's hard for me to say, but if none of those settings felt good to you and your boots were in almost the same position the whole time, most likely your boots need to go forward. If you got any video go ahead and send to me and I will do my best to get you sorted out. adamcord@denaliskis.com
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  • Baller
@Anderson If you are running with a S-wing, try a flat wing at 8 degrees. The last numbers on your list 28 1/4 2.425 6.975 1.090 5.0 should work good. Change to a flat wing, start at 8 degrees. Next move your front boot forward each set till you find the sweet spot. Trust me on this.

Ernie Schlager

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  • Baller
@Skierx - I’m at full throttle long/shallow from the 2019 stiff/high double boot column, but boots are a bit forward at 29. During Horton’s review he tried similar settings, but if I recall correctly without scrolling back, he felt like he had to be perfect with them. For me, the ski just feels very free. The credit for getting me dialed in goes to @AdamCord. He was great help, so @Anderson, send him the video. I skied with at Trophy early this summer with Caldwell and he was laughing out loud about how well the ski was turning for me. I think he said something along the line of, “I thought you were done, and then you just threw the ski out there and bam!”
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  • Baller
@BlueSki I assumed you met Long/shallow. I ralnthat set up for a while . Close to what @VONMAN is running, but I have gotten much better results short/ shallow boots back 28.25 ,but I am currently running short / deep boots @28.5 matching my PB most of the time. If I run boots for work like you high risk blowing the tail.
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  • Baller

I’ve got 5 sets on @jercrane ‘s C75 (medium/ standard flex). He was kind enough to let me try it while he heals up. Currently at 28.5 on the front boot, 6.790, 2.50, and .90 dft. On my 2020 vapor I was pretty darn consistent through 35 last couple weeks, but getting nowhere at 38 (1.5-2)... Interestingly enough, I had removed the Denali fin from my Vapor in favor of the stock blade in August and found my consistency improve with a more predictable on-side turn with no loss in top end.


The story on the C75 really isn’t much different so far in terms of where I am getting practice score-wise. What is interesting is I’m running passes @35 often in spite of some massive mistakes, maybe associated with still getting comfortable on the ski. This thing turns like crazy. I just can’t tell whether it raises the bar for me or if the same attributes that get me out of trouble so quickly are putting me there in the first place. I plan to keep playing with it until it gets too cold or the water gets too low. Should I go somewhere else settings wise?

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  • Baller

Getting ready to set up my medium C75 for the first time, and curious what numbers you guys have settled into.


On a recent post, in the C-85 section, Horton described the fin on the C-75 as "very finicky." I had not heard the ski described like that by anybody up until his most recent post. Are you guys of the same opinion?


Regardless, looking forward to getting out on the water with it.

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  • Baller
@ISP6ball, I don’t think it as finicky as it is tunable. Just be prepared to try different long/shallow and short/deep settings. My son skis 36 mph on a small and I skied my med C75 at 34. What works for him (short/deep/way forward) is different than what works for me (off the map long/shallow). Don’t get frustrated, just enjoy the process and learn along the way. I was running passes I should not have on settings that were less than ideal. Once dialed, I was definitely running passes I should not have. I scared the hell out of one boat judge throwing the ski around 5 before rounding 6 and heading out the gates, but the ski just works so I didn’t think twice about it. Start with the numbers from the Adams and enjoy the new ski and setting it up. Congratulations on your next PB.
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@ISP6ball I found that if I stayed with the S Wing settings the ski is great. When I said "finicky" that is likely the wrong word. What I should have said is that skiers who love to tweak all the time may be frustrated. There are a few different setups for that ski that work great.
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  • Baller

I'm having some trouble getting to the Denali settings section so thought I'd try here.


I'm on a early med C75 with double goode hardshells, RFF.

I ski at 32mph 19 - 28 off (32 off PB several times prior to this ski)

Last season I spent a lot of my ski time trying different settings and boot placement.


I settled on; 28 3/8 boots, DFT 1.024, L 6.735, D 2.475, 7 degree flat wing

A very late start this year but I'm having a little trouble with my onside turns. It reminded me that I somewhat had the same issue last season.

They feel a little slower, larger radius? and the ski doesn't finish under the line near as well as my offside. I do have some good onside turns but they are not consistent.

The offside is awesome, automatic and effortless!

I'm wondering if there is an adjustment I can make to help the onside feel as effortless without effecting the offside?




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