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2020 VAPOR


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34mph 185lbs 67" long shallow setting. skiing 22-35 off never have ran 38. Practice and tournament average are 3@35. current ski is 2019 67" Vapor.


1st set I was a bit rushed setting the fin and didn't have it perfectly set.

Still a great 1st set skiing right up to my average of 3@35

This ski is fast. I kept finding myself with to much glide for the gates which typically puts me narrow and late at one ball. also found myself having to scrub speed coming into offside 1,3,5. I think I was a bit tentative on my first set. Ski turned very well on both sides.


Before skiing the 2nd set I dialed the fin in.

Went out at -28 feeling much better with my gate glide. First thing I noticed was how level this ski stays front to back. The biggest benefits with this was the feeling at the end of the turn where I have a tendency to rock back onto the tail. The ski likes to stay level there for me resulting in more tip engagement as the line comes tight. More ski in the water was putting me early and wide on both sides.


Another attribute I liked is ski position coming into the buoy. I have a tendency to stay compressed off the second wake resulting in being heavy on the tail. This ski made my transition from compressed to standing tall and shifting forward much easier. Finding myself more forward on this ski into and out of the buoy might be the greatest attribute.


This ski also feels easier to roll onto edge compared to the 19 letting me find my stacked position a bit sooner.

I also noticed this ski smearing more in the turn creating more angle off the buoy which is always a good thing if your ready for it. This will take some getting used to but will be of great benefit.


So 2nd set went down the line getting 1@38!! I totally blew it going to one at 38 and over pulled. With the ski rolling onto edge easier and being faster I will have to compensate a bit from what I am used to (this is a good thing). I am very excited with my results after only two sets.


Any time I run 35 is a celebration! Cannot wait to own this ski.


Thanks again to the designer @Chris Rossi and product manager @brooks as well as the entire Radar team for continuing to design and produce killer products!!

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  • Baller
Thanks for each one of your personal insights from your first few passes/days on this new ski. They were a hot commodity at the Nationals and even had one gentleman who bought one, we set it up, and he went out (at his lake) and posted a score that was 4 buoys better than on his previous ski. The 2020 Vapor is a very balanced and intuitive ski. I am very excited to see more of these on the water! Keep us in the loop as more of you get on the ski.
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  • Baller

This ski is insane. I started with deep numbers and started getting used to it but never comfortable. Tried the long shallow settings but 1/8 back with boots and I’m in heaven. I’m actually 215 right now and @TFIN said I was in between sizes but he’d still go with the 67. He was right. I’ve never had a ski that legitimately set deep and felt so solid that was also incredibly fast.

It always seems to be one or the other. Turns are so even on both sides and effortless.

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  • Baller
Well, I read this thread last week where some liked (and stayed on) the 2016 ski vs. the 17,18 or 19. Also, I pulled 5 practice sessions last week at Nationals and spoke with 4 guys still on the 2016 who all said pretty much the same thing. I currently have a 19 that I bought mid last year and skied the last two tournaments of the year and all of them this year on. I will try a 2020 version soon, but since I still have my 2016, I decided to put my boots on it today and give it a go (hadn't been on it since my Achilles injury last year. I skied better immediately. The ski turns better on both sides (for me) and is totally stable in the glide for the gates while the 2019 version will hunt unless I bend both knees. I can stand anyway I want on the 2016 with no hunting. When I demoed the 2019 last year, I was still coming back from my injury, so was not skiing beyond 32 off. My best tournament score has been 3@35 and I have run only one 35 in practice (while when I was injured, I was running 35 about 40% of the time and ran a handful of 2@38 tournament scores). Today I skied 3 28s and a 32 only since I had not skied in a week, skied six 28s the first set (on the 19) and was running out of steam. I will take some shots at 35 and see how it goes. Even if I decide the 2016 is better than the 2019, I'm still going to give the 2020 a shot as a few have said it skis more like the 2016.
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  • Baller
I am amazed with the amount of people favoring their 16 over there 18/19’s. I just jumped from a 16 to an 18 and legitimately gained a pass and a half the first night out on it. My 16 is only a lithium, so potentially that has something to do with it, but I absolutely love the 18 and feel like an idiot for buying it 2 weeks before the 2020 was released.
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  • Baller
@dnewton / @BlueSki - I hope my post didn't imply the 17,18 or 19 skies were bad skies, only that "I" ski better on the 16. Different skiers gel with different skies. I tried various D3 skis and struggle to run 28 while friends are running 38 on them. Ed Hickey set the Men 7 record (1@41) on an 18 Pro-Build last year, so the ski obviously works for him. He changed to a 19 and suggested I skip the 18 and buy the 19 when I was looking to move from my 16. Not surprised at all that you guys and others love a different year/ski than I do.
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  • Baller
@roger, not at all. My wife went from a 16 to a 19 and her PB went up and she looked smoother (after some fin setting help from Rossi) but she still does not feel as stable when running straight down the lake or dropping. Before the fin setting help, the ski was no bueno for her. Lots of variety in what works for each skier.
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  • Baller

Having set up several skis now with the CG, including 2 Vapors. I have found the stock fin to be more sensitive. Therefore, if you get the ski to be the best it can be with the stock fin, then set the CG to those exact dimensions, it will really perform and you have the best starting point for the CG.


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@Bdecker I suggest you spend some time on the stock fin and settings first. Get to know the ski and set a baseline before you play with aftermarket fins.
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  • Baller

@scuppers Yes I have 2 sets on the 2020 but never skied on it stock fin.


Jay said use the same settings as my 17 vapor with a small binding adjustment and I did and holy f()<{.


Man did that ski go well. Stayed down and accelerated nicely.


Love it.


Go with confidence.

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I’ve tried both stock settings along with something between them. I’ve come to the conclusion I ski better with the longer and shallower settings. On the 19 I really liked

numbers between the 2 stock options. Practice pb the other day... 2.5@38. 36mph.

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  • Baller
@Bbrandau what ski were you on previously? I'm on a 2018 and leaning hard towards the 2020. I'm thinking I need to size down though because I've been on 68" and I've lost some pounds. Weighing 192 today... was about 220 when I started with the 68". Feels like I'm on the verge of blowing out the ski a lot of times. Sometimes I do but I'm sure my form comes into play as well when this happens. I ski 34 and have ran into 35 off a handful of times this season.
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  • Baller

@Deanoski - I’m 6’ 181# and on a 67” getting into mid 38. @ali leaves his 66” in our ski shed, so I might need to experiment and report back! Too bad he’s the wrong foot forward, otherwise I could just slide my liners in and go.

Long/shallow is working well on this ski

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