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Nate Smith - Statement


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Thank you this clears a lot up! The corporate pressure must have been really heavy! You are such a phenomenal skier this is so awesome for the sport that none of this may have been real other than then the black eye to your adult girlfriend which may have another explanation or even many of them! Or at least it was only bad judgment.


Are you also able to confirm these type of screenshots and the multiple others like them from seemingly varied origins were fabricated and were all created by two people personally attacking you!? Or maybe that it was also judgement and not something to worry about? As well as part C. of executive summary being inaccurate or is that what you meant by SafeSports conclusions? Thank you for clarifying! Thank you for caring about the sport and people in it enough to make a statement it’s so great to see you directly connect and take some control of the conversation and leave it open for those concerned! gkg80u8bjhbd.jpeg




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  • Baller

This doesn’t really square with the pictures of texts and Facebook posts from Nate to minor girls that keep getting posted here and then taken down. I also thought the SafeSport report concluded that all the claims were likely to be true “by a preponderance of the evidence”... The idea that all the claims involving minors are 100% false seems like an outright lie.


I will say that this whole situation also apparently seems to be muddled in with a ton of personal drama, which may be motivating some people involved. However, there seems to be enough out there to separate the hypocrisy and questionable behavior of a few people trying to tear Nate down from the very serious misbehavior that Nate has been accused of. The SafeSport report mentions several claimants who are underaged girls claiming misbehavior from Nate. I saw no where in the investigation where Nate was exonerated of such claims. So it’s great to be hearing from all sides now, but this statement does not seem to square at all with the results of the official investigation that is referenced.


And no, I haven’t seen any more of the report than any other member of the general skiing public so I could be wrong. If so, please someone point out how. But I don’t see how this statement consistently fits with the official portions of this sordid drama, and if it doesn’t that is a pretty serious red flag.

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  • Baller

My opinion, mine only (though you're welcome to agree):


While it is "helpful" to see the statement above from the Accused himself, it frankly very likely does little if anything to sway opinion one way or the other. Extra marital affairs and the like ARE examples of bad judgement. Domestic violence and allegations of repeated underage sexual misconduct are simply abhorrent and egregious...and highly suggestive of much deeper issues than bad judgement. And certainly worthy of more than the slap on the wrist afforded by SafeSport. Your statement just doesn't cut it for me, Mr. Smith.


At this point, from my perspective - one I suspect is shared by many/most others - the only thing that's gonna possibly sway my opinion is a copy of the Mueller, eerrrr, SafeSport report - redacted only to protect the identities of the accusers. I'd welcome a chance to review the preponderance of evidence - without the biased filters applied.

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  • Baller
Adults suck, they lie, cheat, steal, do adultery. Basically self serving and selfish. This should always remain on point that an adult was accused of predatory behavior against teenage females. There is obvious evidence (or there wouldn't be a safe sport investigation). Release the full report sans names of minors. Turn over evidence to authorities and hand down judgement. Other side notes are simply a distraction. The above "apology" is a bit late and weak. IMO. (not that my opinion matters-just the father of a young female skier who hates predatory behavior)
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  • Baller
I appreciate Nate making a formal statement, and I respect him for doing it. I have always seen him as a stand-up guy, and not one likely to commit the things he's been accused of. Nate cooperated completely with the SafeSport guys, and in my experience, they tend to err on the side of the accused. They gave Nate a 90 day suspension, which I'm inclined to believe is fair unless and until there's proof otherwise. Regarding Nate's texts, we live in an age where everything we write is permanent. When viewed later by other, skeptical/biased people, off-color comments written in the spur of the moment assume to be filled with evil intent. We are all-in with Safe Sport, until their conclusions don't provide the crucifixion we want to see. In my eyes, the ranting and raving has come from those opposed to Nate. He's provided some reasonable words, and offered what I consider a reasonable explanation. Thanks, Nate, for stepping up. None of us are perfect either.
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  • Baller
Not sure if those texts are accurate but if Nate did send those to someone underage when he was legal there was definitely an issue. If he was 18 and they were 17 it wouldn’t be as big an issue but if he was 19 and they were 14 or 15 it is out of line and an issue.
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