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Enough Already !

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

@Jody_Seal - With just over 329M people in the US, that 42M survivor number equates to over 12% of the population.


With roughly 6k AWSA members, 12% equates to over 750 AWSA members who are likely childhood sexual abuse survivors.


In other words, in your 100 person local ski club/community, there could be approximately 12 people that you know for whom this topic hits a little too close to home.

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  • Baller_


I dont think those stats take into account of race, creed or income brackets but just that of the general population.

And this sport has had other improprieties and bad social behavior in the past. For instance all one has to do is google Fred Marquette Montgomery Alabama.

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  • Baller

@Stevie Boy if you believe the issue is over feel free to send your daughter or grand daughter for coaching with Mr. Smith.


Mr. Smith has the right to make a living off a sport he is great at. this however, does not absolve him of his actions and I, like most all parents, appreciate being informed of who I am sending my child to go ski with.



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  • Baller

Is it just me or does anyone else question why D3 continues to have Nate as their poster child on their web site after all of this? (front page under stay connected to the team & first skier to show up after you click the link

I know as long as I see his image or as long as any company is allowing him to wear or promote any of their gear......................... that company has lost me as a customer.

Best in the world or not - there is no place for it or him in our sport.


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