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Today was the day ?


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So....I skied the slalom course for the first time today ?. After months of being soooo close ....today was finally the day. It’s all thanks to Wim Decree, Ed Hickey and all of the other members at Hobe Lake Ski Club who have been so full of encouragement and support since I joined in February. Trading the old HO Triumph for a shiny new Radar Senate Lithium surely helped too! Hoping to inspire anyone out there who thinks they can’t ski the course - If I can do it anyone can! ewy5osa0h1ff.jpeg



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  • Baller
Congratulations! Running the course is way harder than most people realize. What do you think was the breakthrough skill you acquired that finally allowed you to make the course? As a beginner myself that ran the course for the first time this summer, the key factor for me was learning how to create enough cross course angle coming out of my offside turn.
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Thanks everyone!! Especially @disland for taking the photos. @Andre yes, It was an amazing feeling .... hope it’s not too long before I can pull it off again! @bsmith ....I think just relaxing my arms and not trying too hard was the biggest thing that got me there!
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