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12 Week Season, What do you think ?

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  • Baller

Well in the UK, it looks very likely we are going to end up with a Twelve Week season, would you bother or look to spend your money on something else, remembering here in the UK, there is no garunteed good weather, memberships have been paid, but because of Covid-19 all clubs have been out of bounds, is twelve weeks long enough to get ski fit and into the groove ?

Feeling less than enthusiatic at the moment.

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  • Baller
@addkerr it works both ways, I have strong opinions about what has gone on here, which I will keep to myself, but when you have been denied access to your sport, only to learn that it is still continuing elsewhere, it grates some what, the sport is shrinking, I feel we have been excluded unecessary, a driver + skier 13 - 12 metres away, whats the problem when they say it,s safer in open spaces.
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  • Baller
@Stevie Boy I'm more than aware of the hardship of this. I run a club and a centre as well as a pro shop. Iv had zero help and want to take people out as much as you want to get out. If you want your club to survive, the competitions to survive then your answer to is 12 weeks long enough is a resounding hell ye. A thought spared to the owners and guys that spend a ton of time making the sites great for skiers. I spent so much time this winter getting ready for our comps only for them to be cancelled. We are all annoyed, and mentally exhausted. I can't wait to be able to call my members and friends to come to the lake, and you can be sure I will be there dawn till dusk making the most of what's left of the year. Stick together it's not far away from being alright.
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  • Baller
We have about 160 deaths in total and 5-6 new cases every day and still we are not allowed to ski. I’ll ski as much as I can when it starts, don’t know if the virus returns again in Autumn.. my new ski has arrived and can’t wait to take it for a spin...
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