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2019 Senate Graphite Setup


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  • Baller

I have been skiing on a 2012 69" Senate with strada bindings for the last 8 years and has been a great ski for me. I typically ski 15 off 28-32mph. (really good day gets me into 34mph)


Today I got the itch and bought a new (last years model) 2019 Senate Graphite with the Vapor boots. Really, really like the new boots. The ski however felt 'slow'. I felt like I had to muscle it around the ball and pull a little longer to get the same speed. I did like how stable it was and once I got it around and the edge set, loved how it came across the wakes.


I know that it is totally different ski but the boots were probably and inch farther forward on the new ski. (And they are as far back as they will go) I skied it right out of the box. I never have made any adjustments to my other senate so it is still just the factory settings


So...should I move the boots forward? Fin adjust? Any ideas/help is appreciated!








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  • Baller

First thing I'd do is put the boots on your sequence plate from your old Senate. Your foot spacing is different on the new ski vs the old. Second, mount the plate according to the numbers at the Radar Website. Third, validate your fin and wing are set correctly. Settings and how to measure are available here. https://radarskis.com/finsettings


I'm on a 2019 also and it's definitely not as fast as my '16 Vapor was.

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  • Baller

@UWSkier - thanks for the setup reminder. That definitely helped.


I also took the 2019 Graphite back and upgraded to the 2020 Senate Lithium. (dealer made it a $300 upgrade so I figured why not) When I first got it on the water, it didn't seem that much different than the 2019.


Then....I decided to get out the of course and free ski it. (Duh!) Found the big difference between the old Senate (my 2012) and the new Senates was that the 2012 likes to come off the ball and progressively edge to speed. The newer ones like to 'hook' and then go! By the next day, I had cleared by best pass of the year.


Back on track! Thanks for the help.

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