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Help a noob find my next ski!


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Hey gang, lower intermediate open water skier here. 180lb, 5ft 8in, 38 y/o. Please help me find my next slalom ski!


Family recently purchased a Cobalt 200 -- far more powerful than our previous boat. Looking to upgrade our slalom ski from a 10+ y/o O'Brien slalom. Hoping to keep costs around or under $300, which puts me squarely in the cheaper used market.


Short video of me skiing a few years ago:


One possibility I've been eying (67" seems to be consensus pick for my size): https://www.ebay.com/itm/2017-HO-Freeride-67-Slalom-Ski/143656341978?hash=item217295d1da:g:dnEAAOSwO2ZfDLcv


Appreciate any advice you can steer my way. I'm an expert snow skier, but have only really dabbled in water skiing...with the new boat, time to take my game up a notch! Cheers-

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  • Baller
That may be the fastest "what ski should I buy" to "ski purchased" I have ever seen on this forum. Having skied my dad's Chaparral I/O for many years, I would have actually steered you towards a thinner ski than the Katana. That boat puts up a larger wake than a ski boat and speed reduces the wake. Where the Katana is made for up to 32 mph, the wake will be noticeably smaller at 34 mph. Going with a Senate, Omni, or V would let you run at that speed. We are getting towards the back half of the ski season so deals will start coming up, making these available at your price range. There's also skiitagain.com to find a good deal on a hardly used ski. I know you already purchased but I wanted to put this out there for anyone searching the threads for a similar ski.
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