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Chrome + Mac OS = I cant post more than 10 lines of content, the "Post Discussion" button disappears


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I've discovered a work-around until this is fixed:


Type however much you want. Then highlight all of it and hit Ctrl-C (i.e. copy it). Then refresh the page and paste your copy, replacing the text that is in there after the refresh.


If you have the patience to wait for the auto-save notification, then all you have to do is hit refresh.


The refresh brings back the buttons, so you just have to take steps to save your text (by either method).

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  • Supporting Member
@smokevw I don't understand your question, I'm afraid. For me, refreshing the page always brings back the buttons. The only question is how to keep all the text you created, and I prefer to do that the "safe" way by copying all of it into the copy buffer (Ctrl-C on a PC). You could go "ultra-safe" and copy it into Word or Notepad or the like -- that way you could see that you've got it. But I trust the copy buffer.
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Yes yes yes I know about the problem. Developers have been working on a fix for over a week. The trick is to finish your text and then wait till auto-saves and then refresh the page. After you refresh the page all of your text should be there and the post comment button will be there.


Or use @Than_Bogan's method

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