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Sure Path


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  • Baller
@lpskier In boat lane tracking mode, Sure-Path only needs to know where the entrance gates are and a bearing to work out the centre line of the course. When the course is mapped, you are effectively marking two start points and a bearing between the two. Thus mapping the outside gates works... a lucky break really. I am pretty sure ZO does the same for an 8 buoy course. You can try for yourselves. In your back garden, map a course just 25' long, then walk up and down (first set the boat threshold speed to 0). It will show your deviation from a centre line quite happily.
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  • Baller

A few questions came up recently about Sure-Path or SkiPath. We are trying to decide if we should get the system for the upcoming season or hold off a bit.


I haven't had a chance to see it in action.


I have heard that a lot of tournament passes were ultimately disqualified because of driving issues and that something like Sure-Path might be the answer. However, it could a lot harder to get used to compare with the switch to ZeroOff.




1) is it coming to tournaments? Is it inevitable?

2) will it mess drivers up (at least at first)?

3) should we start practicing with it (driving and skiing)?

4) Will the course path be called out like ZeroOff timings allowing for an immediate re-ride?

5) Will rules need to change?

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  • Baller_


1. Yes, it’s coming. It will be required equipment at R tournaments in the reasonably near future.

2. It won’t “mess up drivers.” It will show them exactly what they are doing, right or wrong.

3. It won’t hurt your skiing and it will improve your driving. Better driving facilitates good skiing.

4. Yes.

5. Maybe, maybe not. Rules to implement its use are being written now.


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@Laz. It is coming to tournaments. There is a current proposal to make mandatory for a Class R event. Either way it is coming. It will not mess drivers up. Will only help drivers to improve. It is a great tool if you are serious about being a good driver. Instant feedback and tons to study and learn from after the event I don’t want to drive practice or ski without it. It answers lots of questions pretty quickly. There are current rule change proposals and yes it will immediately call for a re ride is some instances. I thing Ski Path and Sure Path are awesome. Actually fun to drive with
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  • Baller

Thanks for the replies.


Technical question: I ski on a lake with three shared courses. Can one ground station be setup and then anyone who wants to use it install a receiver and cell phone in their boat?

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  • Baller
@Laz or there may be a base station already close by that you can access and not even need one. The RTK technology really came into play with the proliferation of drones. So there is a whole network of base stations across the country. Some are free some are not.
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  • Baller_
@Laz Yes. You can use one base station for several courses. In fact, your state DOT may have a nearby GPS station. If they do, you might not need to buy a base station. You can tie into DOT and use them as your base. Then you only will need the boat rover and one phone. Get a $10 per month Redbug plan for the phone. Using a wifi hot spot on another phone is cheaper but more frustrating.


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  • Baller

@horton I’m 99% sure it’ll work fine with them. Jerry Jackson has tested them extensively in FL with RTK base stations 10-20 miles away.


The southern region will be forwarding a proposal to use a boat path monitoring system for all class R events starting this calendar year. With highly recommending using it for Class L and lower. The most common system is SurePath but others are acceptable.

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I called Will Bush this morning about public RTK. He confirmed that yes it is possible but that it may be challenging to find reliable free RTK base stations depending on where you are.
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James explain to me that as the distance between the rover and the base unit increases the math becomes more complicated (or some other technical complicated explanation). The last time I asked him about it he was only comfortable with a distance of 6 km or 10 miles between the two stations. Beyond that the accuracy of surepath was possibly diminished.

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  • Baller

There seems to be pretty wide coverage of Southern Ontario with RTK networks. It's not clear to me if these systems are passive (like GPS), create your own (Sure-path) or sign up for a service (like LTE).


There is one that's about 6km (3.7 miles) from our lake.


(FYI, 10k = 6 miles)

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  • Baller_
I’ve been told that you can use a base station as far away as 25 miles but I’ve never tried it. I did set one up with the base station six miles away and it worked reasonably well, though there were times when the system just wouldn’t work and I have no idea why. If in 1973 and 1974 I had any clue that water skiing would become so highly technical I would have considered an engineering school. My common disclaimer is “I was an English and history major.”


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