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Slalom binding - width problem..


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Hi all -


New to the forum. Purchased my first slalom ski last year - Radar Senate with Vector Boa bindings (size 10-14). Unfortunately the front boot is agonising due to the lack of width (I have wider than average feet). Could anyone recommend a wider / the widest binding available on the market?


Thanks in advance.


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  • Baller

I am not familiar with the Vector Boa but some bindings can be adjusted with the screw placement underneath, perhaps somebody can advise , if that is possible to do on the Vector Boa, I don't think so, there are other choices of bindings out there, but try to make sure it will position in the right place on your ski,

Tfactor is a good binding that may allow you to alter width, but not sure about getting distance from tail on the Senate, Performance might be able to position a Tfactor on a Senate and tell you if you can get the measurement you want, they are very helpful.

Probably a good idea to call performance and have a chat with them, they must of come across this problem before.


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  • Baller
I have T-factor, It is adjustable on the bottom by using the wider holes. I also customized by taking apart and grinding the edge to exactly match my foot. Now it fits like a glove and my foot never moves. Becasue it fits so well I can use losser upper and thus always releases when i need it to
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