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  • Baller
Looks like for the Masters, as Masterline is the official rope, it is the 9.75 optima 2. Having used both the Masterline optima 2 and the HO Syndicate rope, the Syndicate has little if any "give or stretch". Both great ropes, but feel different to me.
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  • Baller
I have a ML 2.0 and do not like it at all, and always go back to my "non stretch" rope. Are tournaments, regionals, nationals, etc giving a choice? Seems I remember Open skiers at nationals were given a choice, and all should have the choice.
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  • Baller
@BS74 give the Syndicate knotless rope a try. It will feel like a steel cable compared to the Optima 2. Once you are 32 off and shorter, the difference does decline, but still feel no stretch or give with the Syndicate. Best thing to do is contact the tournament site and ask what ropes will be used. Then practice with that rope.
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  • Baller_

Take your ML out of the packing, attach the handle end to a fixed object. Using a ratchet strap and a fishing scale, attach the boat end to another fixed object. You attach the long end of the ratchet straps to the object and the short end to the top of the fish scale and the bottom of the scale to the rope. Tighten the strap to 44lbs. Every five minutes or so, tighten the strap back to 44lbs. Once it more or less stops stretching, let it sit for an hour under tensionudand54dxawa.jpeg


. It will feel great when you use it.


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  • Baller_
I have skied some this spring at tournaments that felt spongy until they had several sets on them. I bought a new Optimized 2 rope recently, stretched it as described above and it felt great from the first I used it. I did not try that specific rope before i stretched it. That is all I can say.


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  • Baller
What do they do in tournaments with the ropes? From the comments above, the first couple of skiers could get a crappy spongy feeling rope and later skiers getting a good rope, if a new rope is used? How is the playing field levelled so no one is disadvantaged?
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  • Baller_

@wettek69 Typically, the ropes get used in practice in the days leading up to the tournament to break them in. Sometimes they don’t get used enough, especially if you are using multiple ropes. That’s why I like to pre-stretch them.


This is not picking on any rope maker. All ropes start out new and need some break in. I break them in by stretching them on the shore; most people may prefer to break them in behind the boat. I do not claim that my way is the best.


I’m on my second ML Optimized 2 rope and I love it (my elbows really love it). I skied a tournament a couple weeks ago and used an HO rope. It felt different, let’s say stiffer, first round. Second round I didn’t even notice it. It’s a great rope, too. I also like In Tow, but you hardly ever see them at a tournament.


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  • Baller
I've had my ski partner ski the 2.0 for a week or so to stretch it out, then I tried it, just don't like it! I'm Not going to pay a $100 + to go to a tournament and get that rope! This is not a knock on ML, as I ski their regular non stretch. No one has answered my question as to the pros getting a choice like they did at nationals, and will we get a choice? I had the ML 1.5(?) last summer and gave that rope away, that's $270 dollars for 2 ropes. I don't want to drag this conversation out, but I'm pretty sure there are others who feel as I do.
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  • Baller_
In an ELR, the LOC has the option of offering two different type ropes to choose from. IWWF Rule 5.09(g); AWSA 10.16(B)(4). These rules do not apply to class C tournaments. If I was running a Class C, I’d ask the rules committee chair for a clarification or a rule exception to allow use of different ropes if I wanted to offer two different ropes.


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  • Baller
Lpskier: I'd be interested in knowing which rope is preferred the most at an ELR event. How do I address someone on here to their title instead of writing it out like I just did for for you?
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  • Baller_
@BS74 Based on my skiing experience, usually you’ll see ML, either Optimized or the black model. You also see the HO rope frequently. Other than that, I’d say other ropes are a one off at particular tournaments.


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  • Baller
I am unaware of (and can't find) any existing standard for stretch. That doesn't mean there isn't one of course. There is a minimum breaking load standard of 1600 lbs for a standard rope found in Rule 8.04 - page 28 of the AWSA rule book.
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