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Wim Hof Method


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  • Baller

It is interesting and I have attempted to practise it. As well we turned our house temp down to 62 deg for the last 3 winters. Seems the 42 deg water temp this spring did not feel that cold nor did any of us get sick with any flu, colds or that other nasty bug.

The breathing portion has helped reduced my recovery time skiing and training.

I think as skier we all possess a strong commitment or we would not be doing this sport.

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  • Baller

Masks work, I was exposed all of the time close enough to patients to be using a stethoscope and never got it now immunized. None of my physician partners got it, either.


True on flu/strep throat etc--I had ZERO this winter. Masks and hand washing are cheap and really not that big of a deal--I wear one every day all day long at work. Vaccines work, too--but only 35% of my county is immunized and we have supply glut. I don't get it, we all want back to normality. Take what we can get, I guess. Numbers falling since the vaccine available.

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  • Baller
@Rednucleus Sorry for the delay. After posting this, the thread disappeared. Just now noticed that the replies showed up as notifications when I logged in. I have not done it yet. Read a book about it and have it cued up in youtube. Will try it soon and report back.
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  • Baller
@S1Pitts There seems to be mounting evidence that being physically uncomfortable is good for us. Challenge the body or it turns to mush... Intermittent fasting, cold, HIIT and skiing. I have not but will try the breathing exercises. I might be too soft to go for the ice baths...
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  • Baller

I’ve used it to some degree. For me it’s more meditative and relaxing than anything. I use it to increase my underwater breathhold time. Helps.


@The_MS - come on, man. That kind of statement about the CDC is evidence of one of the biggest flaws in this country - people somehow thinking they know better about a subject than scientists that have dedicated their lives to research. Have you ever seen the bumper sticker “Don’t believe everything you think”? Just because you don’t like the message doesn’t mean you’re right and they’re wrong.

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  • Administrators
Gentlemen, conversations about Covid, vaccines and such falls under the umbrella of politics. Please argue all you want about skiing or skiing related topic. If this conversation continues talking about covid subjects I will l take some action.
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  • Baller

Corey Vaughn had a few posts over the winter about it. I did a little bit with it at one point but nothing serious like that. If nothing else it's a nice way to learn about how your body reacts to certain stress signals and learn how you can calm yourself (much like breathing exercises in yoga).


One of Corey's posts talking about it:


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