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Cord -41@34

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  • Baller_
@Than_Bogan he doesn't worry about gates in practice he told me, but will clean it up the week before a tournament. there's probably end course available of that pass if someone cared to go look. Hilltop has top notch TC. great skiing @AdamCord
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  • Baller

@6balls Y'know, I think you're right. I've heard of a few people getting into 41 with the ski I have but I've never heard of anyone running it with that ski. I think that's the only reason why I'm not running it because it can't be because I suck at skiing. It HAS to be the ski. ;)


Seriously, way to go @AdamCord. That was quite an achievement. You're part of a pretty elite club now.





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  • Baller

Thanks everyone! I know it's practice and practice scores don't count, but man it feels good to get through that pass. When Caldwell and I started designing our own skis 10 years ago we joked about making a ski that would get even wallys like us through 41 :D


I've been getting closer to running it this spring as I switched back to skiing 34 (skied 36 all winter) and have been getting dialed in on the new ski. That and some ideas that @adamhcaldwell has been telling me for 2 years about how to hit my gate swing finally clicked with me.


The other big factor is Hilltop Lake! That place skis awesome and with Ron Martin, Lisa Thoms, Shannon Strickland, Gordon Skoog, and a lot of other really good drivers up there I am for the first time able to get consistent training with good driving, which goes a loooooong way at 41.


I just wish we had some record tournaments up in the PNW right now!!

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  • Baller

@Wish you expect me to give away the secrets to 41 for free???


Ok fine here’s the basics of the science @Gloersen:


I was trying to take too much speed and angle into the gate, which made sense to me. I mean it’s 41, right? The cost to all that speed and angle is twofold.


First, you’re absolutely going to get separated going into 1 at 41 with too much angle through the gate. The handle is changing direction so fast that if you’re not prepared to change with it, you’re screwed.


Second is that there is such a thing as TOO high on the boat at the buoy. If you’re up next to the driver passing the boat, you have to wait a loooong time for the line to come tight so that you can make a turn.


So I started taking a slower, less angle gate and just focused on jacking my hips up to the handle and staying connected to ride the handle swing up to the turn apex. Once I started to get the hang of that I was finding myself coming out of 1 ball in decent position with a tight line.


That’s the run 41 starter pack. Buy the book to learn the rest B)

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  • Baller

Some people have asked me to send them the raw video so they can watch slomo so I went ahead and uploaded to YouTube.


Missed gates and driver came way over on 6, otherwise I think it looks fairly legit. I won’t get to ski again for a week because of work so will be a while before I can try and back it up:


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  • Baller

@Gloersen there’s a lot to unpack there-


First thing I’m talking about is too much angle behind the boat. This is not the same thing as too much load. If you take too much angle at 41 even if you are fast and light, the direction change alone as the rope swings up and around the boat will cause you to lose connection too soon before the preturn. I’d rather take less angle and ski more of a straight path to apex since that will more closely match the handle path and make it much easier to stay connected all the way to the preturn.


The second thing is about speed. I can do the above fairly well from a really really high point on the gate turn in, but if I do I’ll be passing the driver at the same time I need to be releasing and letting the boat get ahead of me. If I’m still up next to the driver when it’s time come back from apex I either ski into a pile of slack, or I have to travel further down course in order to wait for the boat to leave me. Either way my “fast” gate will cause me to be much further down course when it’s time to start pulling to 2.


So I’ve changed to turning in at a slightly narrower point on the gate, try to get the rope loaded early, and make an effort to never let the ski have more than 45 degrees of angle when crossing centerline. This lets me stay connected all the way to the preturn without passing the driver, and even though I’m not apexing way up course like I do on the earlier passes, I can keep the line tight enough to run the pass. This is what I think Fred Winter does really well.

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  • Baller
The disadvantage to more speed and angle through the gates as you mentioned, is the inability to bleed out softly what you’ve created. Generally unless you are Mapple, you would get popped to the inside of the handle path, causing the ski to set a hard inside edge, ruining your ideal path. Your transitions into 1,3,5 are phenomenal. The boat pulls you up softly to a nearly flat ski so that you stay on the handle path and everything flows nicely from there. There is no forced edgechange. This is the sign of great technique, when the edge changes are seemless you know you are on the right track. Bravo.
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  • Baller

Thanks @matthewbrown ! Yes I’ve been working on finding the balance through that transition for a while. A few things really clicked this past week that made it much easier for me to execute.


People ask me all the time what I mean when I talk about skiing the handle path, this is what I mean!





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