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Radar Senate vs Radar Union


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All things equal, I would have selected a Senate for myself as it best matches my ski level (50yrs old, been skiing most of my life, open water, usually about 32mph). But…. I have a son a nephew who want to learn to slalom and am considering a Union as it might be a bit more forgiving for them to learn on?


Would that be an accurate assessment and would I still be able to push the ski for my own enjoyment?

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  • Baller
67" senate. You could get away with a 65, but that would be pushing it at 170 and slower than 34 mph. There would be zero downside for the kids learning on the better ski and the 67" would be plenty big enough for easy deepwater starts.
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  • Baller
67” Senate. The right size for both of you. The heavier skier gets a perfect, great performing ski for 32mph and the lighter skier gets a larger platform for easier learning. The Senate will not be ‘too much ski’ for a beginner.
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