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Dislocated Shoulder / Torn Rotator Cuff


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  • Baller

Dislocated shoulder two weeks ago. Still in pain after Dr. popped it back in. So followed up with a Ultrasound. They say torn rotator cuff in a two places, but need MRI to confirm . They say Likely need surgery. Obviously no skiing this year. How long a recovery can I expect on the average? Can I kiss next season goodbye too? No more barefooting for me! Have alot of bruising in the bicep. May be hard to see around the tatts.





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  • Baller_

Depends. I had my right shoulder repaired when I was around 45. Surgery mid February, snow skiing by the end of March, playing tennis in April (fore hands only; had to learn a two handed backhand but serving like a teenager by May). Water skied easy starting in May, first tournament in September.


Got my left shoulder repaired in December 2016 at age 60. Snow skied but didn’t water ski until late May. It was a full year until I felt more or less fully recovered, and I spent a lot of time in the gym to get there.


So the take away is the younger you are, the faster you’ll recover.


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  • Baller


I had a torn rotator last august and my ortho had me in physical therapy for several months going in the winter.No surgery for me and I started skiing this past may and had a great summer.I am old and my shoulder had surgery yrs ago and has scar tissue and does bother me however still ski.Good luck I am sure things will work out.

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  • Baller
I've had both shoulders dislocate( different times) going out the front on pre-release of reflex binder( my fault, not enough tension on release) about 15 years ago. Back skiing in 60 days but be careful not to dip your hand in the water. I have both biceps detached from shoulder and both rotator cuffs are torn(over a period of 10yrs.) back in the early 2 thousands. Never got anything fixed as it does not affect skiing. With palms up I can hardly lift 8 lbs, I still go to gym, use a smith machine for benches with no problem. No pain, some times a little pain in right shoulder if sleeping on it. I was 65yo when my left bicep detached at a tournament. Happen to have a doctor(skier) there and said at my age, don't worry about it! Point is, pain will go away and you can ski. There will be some muscle strength lost, but won't stop you from skiing. I'm 76 and still skiing at a competitive skill level. I could have had major surgery but did not think the benefits of it to be worth the down time. Good luck
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  • Baller_

I'm 59yo and had a biceps tendon rupture last year that I chose to get fixed and "oh doc while you're in there can you take a look at the rotator cuffs" that had been bothering me for more than 10 yrs. Of the 4 rotator cuff tendons, 1 had a "massive" tear and another had a partial tear.


The Ortho's words were 6 wks in a sling, 6 wks passive stretching, 6 months to partial activity and 1 yr to full strength. I was anal about rehab and strengthing and was running the course on a trick ski after 6 months and slalom after 7, and pretty much skied normally this year although with a more gradual and cautious progression. A year later, that shoulder has about a 90% improvement and significantly better than it was before surgery.


The surgery and recovery does suck.


All surgerys/recovery are different, so if you are young and the tears aren't that bad, you may recover more quickly. You may also consider PT and specific excersices if the tears aren't that bad and you and doc decide you can live with it as is for awhile. Just keep in mind that your body will compensate for the torn tendons that may lead to other problems in the long term.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller
I did mine a 5 years ago, but I don’t think it was as bad as I don’t recall all the bruising. I had some cuff and labrum damage but the recommendation was not to do surgery unless dislocations become chronic. Skied in a shoulder brace for a season or two, but now I use a couple strips of KT tape as a placebo effect or some additional support if I fall that way again. Mine was thankfully end of the season, but I started right back the next spring and am currently skiing as well as pre-injury in spite of this and some other unrelated surgeries I’ve endured. Shoulder sphere helped me tremendously with strengthening for recovery.
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  • Baller
On June 1 I put my arm through the handle. Broken and dislocated shoulder. Surgery on June 11. Completely torn rotary cuff, broken shoulder, turn bicep tendon and another rotator tendon shredded. I've been doing PT since and was just told to start back to the gym. Dr originally said no skiing until 12 months. I just negotiated with him to start free skiing with 2 skis starting in Jan, and move slowly to free slalom after a couple of months and then course skiing by May. I am religious about the PT and he knows it. It's a very long and frustrating process. I am 64 so healing is slower.
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  • Baller
Good luck with your healing. A friend fell barefooting with arm up and did the same thing early in the summer. He is ~23 and is sliing in the course again but he didn't have surgery. I fell barefooting in a similar manner shortly after and hurt my shoulder but was lucky that it didn't do further damage.
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  • Baller
@LoopSki I Feel your pain. Dislocated my left shoulder end of July, first tournament of the year. My bruising was like yours, down the front of the bicep. Took about a month to go away. Initial Doc visit 2 weeks after injury looked like maybe no Rotator Cuff damage but follow up 2 weeks after that indicated poss damage. MRI yesterday, now waiting for results. Been doing PT for the past 6 weeks, good ROM, hoping for non surgical outcome but will go with it if that will get me back to competitions. Feel strong enough to ski right now but at this late point in the season i wont push it. Hang in there.
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