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2 scoring questions......


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  • Baller

Can someone explain how overall scores are calculated? Looks like trick slalom and jump scores are multiplied by some factor and then added.


As well, I was watching collegiate nationals a bit last week. How are team scores compiled?

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  • Baller_

Under NCWSA Rule 1.1, AWSA Rules apply unless specifically changed in the NCWSA Rulebook. The NCWSA Rulebook doesn’t address overall scoring so go to the AWSA Rulebook. ASWA rule five addresses overall scoring. https://www.teamusa.org/-/media/USA_Waterski/Disciplines/3-Event-Water-Skiing/AWSARuleBook.pdf?la=en&hash=B62943892FA833196B2F379B9F0DF0E2CC8991F5#page18


Team scoring for collegiate tournaments is governed by NCWSA Rule 6. https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1Dx1U0bKIyRdK2l_fLai3mhdNEDwzsuXtcUlvUAFbXnw/mobilebasic



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  • Baller

@fu_man, are you looking for collegiate or AWSA or ....?


Collegiate is easiest; it is basically the number of skiers you beat in each event multiplied by 10. You need to ski all three events to be counted as overall. Ties get slightly interesting in that all who tie split the pool of points for all the skiers who tied at that score. If it is a two man tournament between you and me, you beat me in slalom by 1/2 buoy - and you get 10 points more than me. Or you beat in slalom me by 3 passes - you get 10 points more than me. All of collegiate, including overall individual and team points are based on the number of skiers you beat. Think of this as a head-to-head contest.


AWSA is more difficult; NOPS points are basically the difference your score is from standard deviation in the event for the gender | age group from the prior year. In this case and in the head-to-head example (assuming same age & gender), if you barely beat me in two of the events but I kick your a$$ in the third, I'll have a better overall score. Find the 'NOPS waterski calculator' via the Google machine to get the Excel file, and play around with the tunable numbers. Or look at the formulas they use to calculated each. Think of this as a ranking score challenge.

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